Cheaters literally make it so easy to find themselves. [redacted] and so many more well known clans are out here just spinning out like no tomorrow. Sure, not all cheaters are in clans with each other, but there are so many that make it so easy by joining these types of clans and don't get banned for months on end or more.
And who cares if people who aren't cheating join these infamous clans? It's literally in the rules that players can be banned for teaming up with cheaters. The vast majority of the cheaters ruining PvP right now in this dying game are in these big clans and it doesn't take much critical thinking to realize dozens if not hundreds of cheaters could be eliminated on the spot for associating with these clans. Honestly, there should be a feature that flags these clans for cheating so it's even easier to spot them, but what do I know? I'm just a casual destiny gamer who has no idea how bans work \_(._.)_/
Thanks for giving up on this game
Removed the clan names to prevent naming and shaming, which is against the Code of Conduct. Bungie takes reports of suspected cheating very seriously. If you suspect someone is cheating, the best course of action is to use the in-game report tool and report the suspected player. Additionally, Bungie has also provided a report tool online which can be accessed with the following link: [url][/url] Please be sure to read through all of Bungie’s reporting guidelines before issuing a report. If you think members of a clan are cheating, please report them.
Honestly are people doing ? Cheating in a dead games PvP cheating . Sad little pathetic losers ! People must of infiltrated console some how ?