-most items would have a silver path and a reasonably grindy in-game path
-players can trade most items to players who don't want to grind for Silver, like a God rolled legendary they don't want or need
-weekly sometimes daily hot patches to fix bugs
-completely separate PvE and PvP weapon and ability sandbox
-no paywalled content, even big story expansions would be completely free
-no plus requirement on PSN, Guardians play for free, Sony can stuff it!!!
-can acess bounties, cryptarch, eververse, tower vendors etc from ship
-completely customizable clan house in the last city
-Ghost would have offensive and defensive capabilities, and you could breed Wolf and Warbeast companions
-weekly livestreams where they take feedback,answer questions, share what they are currently working on and future plans
And more, but I know they couldn't afford what Sony would ask for the IP
We'd also get Innumerable content islands and massive system overhauls every year or so (seriously, they have to be up to melee 5.4 by now). Having a daily reputation cap based on your Guardian Rank (you got three levels with Shaxx and now he is capped for the day, try Gambit?). Not to mention how many systems DE would add in, forget about for years then completely change (see: focus, archwing). If it didn't get abandoned outright (Lunaro). And given how often frames had their abilities changed/totally reworked I'm not sure I'd want DE anywhere near the Guardians'. In the long run Digital Extremes does alright by Warframe, but I cannot see their vision or approach ever meshing well with Destiny.
Warframe is far from perfect aswell tbh. Paywall for everything, long crafting times to passively force players into spending money (f2p mobile game 101) It has dull and lenghty unrewarding grinds, the games engine is ancient, the levels arent unique enough, same playstyle every single mission, ability spam build heavy while ppl rarely even use guns etc etc. Imo you are comparing the devil to the devil. One is looked at in a positive way by their community because they are used to the monetization heavy game structure, also just because almost no new players play and only hardcore ppl play who have already acquired everything -> Warframe. On the other hand theres a completely different community of players playing Destiny. We are not these harcore elitists who enjoy pulling out their credit card every other session. Most of us are casuals who enjoyed a looter shooter. Bungie catered to the hardcore elitist minority tho. Look how many players are left now that most ppl realized that. lol.
Edited by Dredgen Truth: 1/2/2025 1:25:01 AMI really don't want, nor do I think we need, yet MORE people saying "destiny should be more like this other game I like" My brother in christ this is not warframe, its destiny. Let destiny be destiny. Its feedback like this which has pulled the game into an unrecognizable state on more than one occasion. Go play warframe. You don't need destiny to be warframe as well.
Also do keep in mind DE still has Warframe as a beta to avoid lawsuits.
I don't care to breed wolf's and dregs or warbeasts.. whatever you said. I don't care to do that. It doesn't interest me. Also waiting days or longer for my gear to be ready after crafting... yeah no thanks. What is warframes story anyway? I always fought the same dudes with the TV boxes for heads. I unlocked one frame in my time playing warframe and it was the limbo frame. It was ok I guess. If I wanted what you stated in this post I would just play warframe. But that game isn't for me.
Dude Just go play Warframe. It has what you want. Destiny is a different animal.
Edited by xbroggiex: 1/1/2025 8:47:09 PMThat sounds god awful. [quote]-no paywalled content, even big story expansions would be completely free[/quote] Yet most of it is crap, there is a reason people only talk about "tEh NoO WuAR" and nothing else. [quote]-most items would have a silver path and a reasonably grindy in-game path[/quote] You mean you can grind to "unlock" a weapon or character but it then takes almost a week of mobile game tier crafting times just to then use, or you could just pony up some cash and get it instantly. Like for godsake Warframe sells character slots... CHARACTER... SLOTS! A basic game feature that you should get by default is nickle an dimed or "grind gated" or put behind a paywall. That also extends to many other things you get as well that require their own "slots" that you can purchase. "but its free to play!" Yeah, thats the issue. Warframe really isn't something Destiny should be taking notes from at all lol.
I have played warframe and if destiny became like warframe I would definitely quit and move on.
Edited by Jvp WReNCh: 1/3/2025 3:50:38 AMIf DE took over Destiny: "Congrats! You unlocked a new exotic! Wait 72 hours to pick it up, or you can get it now, for [i]MONEY[/i] 🤑"
Edited by Killapete232: 1/6/2025 5:20:11 AMIf DE were to make destiny it would be horrible. Have friends at MR Legend 4 they have said DE just don't care about the game and just milk players. I've invested my time in Warframe back during Deimos fortuna ect. It was fun but destiny is way better. The First Descendant does things better than DE does for Warframe too btw, being able to use multiple formas/catalyst to have mobbing/bossing builds is so much better than having to reforma your Warframe everytime you want to do something different. Personally a MR 28 in TFD and in Warframe was around a MR12 when I quit 3 years ago, max was like 30 or something around that number. Have a dojo with railjack maxed and all research done in my dojo as a solo player up until the time I quit. Different game experience compared to destiny, fun for what it is.
So you want a free game how do bungie pay the staff Things like electricity bill would would be massive for a gaming company
“Big story expansions” wouldn’t exist. I love DE and love Warframe, I also love 1999. But that story was stretching a hour and a half, the rest of your playtime is going to be replaying everything you’ve already done. There’s also no difficulty selection for the story. DE operate on a smaller scale so that they can afford development under the free to play mobile like model with platinum. Do also keep in mind it’s less you can earn plat for free and more so someone else is paying, since barring giveaways any new plat injected into the economy was bought by someone.
[quote]-most items would have a silver path and a reasonably grindy in-game path [/quote] Net Positive. I want to see a return of ornaments and what not that were earnable in the game for doing specific things. Not just Transmog (despite Transmog being a good thing) [quote]-players can trade most items to players who don't want to grind for Silver, like a God rolled legendary they don't want or need[/quote] Neg Negative. This would create an out of game economy where people pay others physical money in order to obtain a specific role. It will also lead to situations like scamming and a whole bunch of other issues. Trading almost never goes well unless the game is built around the system. Do not add it. [quote]-weekly sometimes daily hot patches to fix bugs[/quote] Net positive, but when is this not [quote]-completely separate PvE and PvP weapon and ability sandbox[/quote] Net negative. At that point, create an entirely new game. The point of Destiny is to be able to take any earnable or usable item within the game and bring it into other activities with it functioning roughly the same. Go play Destiny Rising if you want a curated experience [quote]-no paywalled content, even big story expansions would be completely free[/quote] I don’t trust content that is purely free. Usually it leads to aggressive microtransaction tactics, and if content is free, the company is not encouraged to make old content better and up to par. [quote]-no plus requirement on PSN, Guardians play for free, Sony can stuff it!!![/quote] This is not an issue with Destiny, so much as it is an issue with PlayStation. It’s a moot point as such [quote]-can acess bounties, cryptarch, eververse, tower vendors etc from ship [/quote] QoL changed, cool beans. Again, it’s a net positive. [quote]-completely customizable clan house in the last city[/quote] I guess. It really wouldn’t add anything meaningful to the game. What’s the point of a clan outside of some specific rewards and whatnot. [quote]-Ghost would have offensive and defensive capabilities, and you could breed Wolf and Warbeast companions[/quote] I’m all for adding extra complexity to the game via one’s ability to create builds but at the end of the day, Ghosts are by far, too cosmetic and ingrained in the game as a cosmetic to create a whole new function for them, and not have people upset. Also, I don’t want the game to become a pet simulator where you have to grind out crap like that. Go play Roblox or some crap like that [quote]-weekly livestreams where they take feedback,answer questions, share what they are currently working on and future plans [/quote] Not an issue with Destiny, more so Bungie. Moot point again. [quote]And more, but I know they couldn't afford what Sony would ask for the IP[/quote] If you have more to say, say it then. You can’t just leave off with “And More”. Also, you are blaming both Sony and Bungie, but the way I see it, Sony was actually trying to help the game survive. They put pressure on Bungie to do better. They bought out Bungie BECAUSE OF DESTINY. They are not going to let the game go that easily. I’m not saying Sony is the best and we should all love them, but they are successful and successful for a reason.
I had a brief experience with Warframe, and I don’t think they are a model for D2, I would hate it personally. When you have lots of stuff for free, everything else in the game is designed to ask you money. I much prefer buying extensions and not be bothered, even if I have to pay a hundred bucks for a good one.
Half this list is just boring garbage and player trading? ew.
1. That would make running certain activities meaningless. Which will cause the population to drop even faster. 2. Then that just turns into pay to win. No one wants a repeat of Diablo's Real World Auction House. 3. They already somewhat do this. And we've all seen how effective it is. 4. That probably requires more work than most people care to admit. And Bungie most likely can't afford that luxury. 5. Why, so they have an excuse to push Eververse more? No thanks. 6. Pretty sure Xbox players need to pay extra for Xbox Live as well. This is not exclusive to PlayStation players. 7. Bungie has already phased out bounties. If they phase anything else from the Tower out, then they might as well remove the entire area from the game. 8. See #4. 9. Ghost is meant to be a supportive companion. Adding one that constantly fights alongside you is probably a lot to develop. 10. I've seen how people behave during these. Why should Bungie put forth the effort to make these happen more frequently if people won't even take the ones they already do seriously?
So you want a warframe style destiny.
Copying another games won't work as they was both built differently with different business models in mind. Bungie need to fine tune their own business model and how they developed content. Destiny's main issue is bungie react to the wind instead of having a real solid plan.
You post a lot.
To me I don’t know how it will be, but I know that DE does a free to play game better then bungie and warframe as a game feels better then destiny As warframe there is always SOMETHING to do Grind parts to make new weapons or frames, which can take a while but at the same time your going to be busy with more, syndicates ranking up, using forma on weapons and making them the best version of the gun Farming kuva lich or sister of parvos weapons Eidalons hunting steel path there is so much more to do and you can do the standing for factions daily, meaning once your done for the day, you can take a break do something else and always feel like you got something to do in warframe that is simple and easy to do
Clearly you haven’t played warframe for more than 4 months.
[quote]-most items would have a silver path and a reasonably grindy in-game path -players can trade most items to players who don't want to grind for Silver, like a God rolled legendary they don't want or need -weekly sometimes daily hot patches to fix bugs -completely separate PvE and PvP weapon and ability sandbox -no paywalled content, even big story expansions would be completely free -no plus requirement on PSN, Guardians play for free, Sony can stuff it!!! -can acess bounties, cryptarch, eververse, tower vendors etc from ship -completely customizable clan house in the last city -Ghost would have offensive and defensive capabilities, and you could breed Wolf and Warbeast companions -weekly livestreams where they take feedback,answer questions, share what they are currently working on and future plans And more, but I know they couldn't afford what Sony would ask for the IP[/quote] 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Maybe for d3! D2 is done and dusted
As someone who has multiple hours in both games, warframe was one of the first games I installed when I got my xbox one in 2016 and played alongside destiny Now onto the meat and bones [b]new player experience[/b] Not going to lie, warframe has trouble gaining new players or at least, keep player retention from said new players. Reasoning - in order to access junctions, you need to do certain objectives, what are certain objectives? Well some are very elusive, some are downright easy, and others pretty clear yet unclear. Example, Mars Junction where you have to kill a certain type of grineer - The grind, if you dabble into warframe crafting, you notice some stuff. Mastery ranks, you don't grind weapons, you grind Mastery ranks till about rank 19, where everything is unlocked after (last rivens etc) - The store where you buy your blueprints, is clunky, yes you can apply filters but some blueprints don't come from the store, they come from dojos, not all sources are clear and the blueprints you pick up have a heavy material sink for new players - Crafting has a wait time differing from 12 hours to 3 days. Some items are for quests as well, heavy offenders: Mirage, Jordas precept [b]Average player experience[/b] If you survived the hellhole that is warframe, you basically come to the meat and bones. How to kill something as efficiently as possible - You think running a strike is bad when someone uses grav? I once spend 20 min just standing on an obj, seeing a guy spawnkill every enemy that came in. Free loot, experience? Boring - Warframes pvp is non existent, because conclave wasn't popular to begin with. It didn't hit well with casual players because of the simple preset, try shooting a shielded weapon of war having rabies zooming all over the arena when shot once. [b]Trading[/b] As someone who spent some time in trade chat, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows - New players get scammed a lot. Paying way more higher prices for prime frames (Aka what is now akin to ultimate skins in first Descendant), prime weapons and other stuff. Why? Its a free market and you can ask entire life savings if someone is willing to fork over the money. But you have to ask yourself, if a prime bundle came out for 134,00 in total at prime release, which comes into play that $100 is 1000 plat. You think asking 3000 for a frame a bit much? Well a new player doesn't know. [b]Veteran player experience[/b] A lot of the old warframe players quit this game as many times as they quit destiny 2 for extended periods of time - Warframe releases a new quest every 2 to 4 months. Until then you twiddle your thumbs. What do vets have? - steel path (Just beefier enemies) - Archon hunts (1 times a week) - Sortie (1 time a week) - circuit (1 time a week and rng dependant on your loadout and teammates) - Netracells (depending on your cells, multiple times a week but once they're empty they are gone) - Sister/Kuva hunt (repeatable and rng dependant on your combination) - Eidolon hunts (Forgotten by the community) Moreover, every new update is just a new way to grind reputation Ostron Solaris United Deimos Angels of zariman The list goes on, the only sort of shakeup was the 1999 update which tries to make investment meaningful Warfame isn't all happy days, it has about as much lulls in player schedules as destiny 2. Its free to play yes, but it doesn't take away the glaring issue with the game. After a certain time, your playtime will diminish because there is nothing to do. Y
They wouldn’t change this many things because it would damage the product. Most companies that took over destiny would be primarily interested in getting their seasons working again.
Edited by jhermannITJ: 1/1/2025 6:15:34 PMListen, I agree with all of these points and have made dedicated posts about many of them that you downvote out of spite. Are you playing PoE2? You know my problem with it? I'm SSF. I don't want to trade. And the progression slows down so much in the later game, one pop maps are brutal for some, but I don't mind it... if I can farm the resources and gear I need to keep making improvements. SSF... softcore and hardcore NEEDs a loot adjustment, imo. We need a wipe in D2, you know we do. Then overhaul the loot economy. Better customization. Sidebar and early game. A greater focus on campaign content and replayability. Better security and networking. A minor companion system that integrates with build crafting. Combat consumables... like Tonics but universal and permanent, I would call them "Synths" like D1.