December 3rd I made a post on bungie help reporting cheaters, the cheaters have full blown youtube channels where they happily upload clips of them flying, teleporting, doing infinite damage, having infinite health, and offering their paid services to carry people through content. I gave bungie 3 full bungie IDs, multiple youtube channels with their names posted - and a month later no response.
Today I go to check and see if the cheaters are still active and 2 out of the 3 names I gave are still completing tens/hundreds of dungeons per day in less than 2 minutes per run.
Hey Bungie, Request #360864, follow up please, thanks.
They seem to do nothing at all. The reporting system is a joke. Every cheater that I see or suspect, I block. Low and behold they still appear on the player lists when I load in.--- so they MUST be innocent... yes indeed when 1 player gets 50 kills with 50kd and NOTHING anyone does even takes down their shields..... yes innocent. yet they penalise normal players if you leave clearly abnormal very unbalanced games.