as per object,
since i changed my bungie name, no one can invite me via my bungie name. the name does not show as valid.
I can access a team via the team search function. from there they can add me to friends.
outside of a team no one can invite me.
is there a solution?
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. Per the [url=]Bungie Name Guide[/url]: [quote]PLEASE NOTE! Typing in Unicode characters, alternate keyboard characters, or emojis may result in unexpected issues, such as being unable to be located when using Search, as well as display issues. Players should keep in mind that the following are not recommended for use in a Bungie Name due to the above issues: Blank characters Unicode characters outside game-supported languages Emojis Punctuation outside game-supported languages[/quote] Therefore, as others have mentioned here, the unique characters in your name are likely the reason for these issues. To alleviate these, consider changing your name if you have a name change available.
No need to change your name, just hide (not remove) inactive platform accounts from display on your user profile.
Bungie did warn us before that names with symbols can cause issues. Unfortunately nothing can be done unless you change your name.
Likely a consequence of making your name have non-standard characters in it. Next time, follow the rules.