With player base totals at a level we haven’t seen since Curse of Osiris, I think the time is ripe for Bungie to address player feedback and concerns and what they are doing to mitigate them. I understand it’s the holidays therefore they don’t post much, but as a D2 vet since the beta in D1, I’d appreciate some transparency and feedback to what the hell is going on over there at Bungie. Ok that’s enough for me, rant over.
[quote] what they are doing to mitigate them[/quote] Oh that's easy, everything will continue as is and in 6-9 months we'll get another tone-deaf state of the game article or tweet from the community team that says they're working on regaining player trust, repeat ad infinitum.
“Shut up, cow. Get milked. You aren’t going anywhere. You been riding us since the beta. Hop off when we tell you too” ~ Bungie breakroom mockery of average unsatisfied forum user probably
Low-key there was better things in Curse of Osiris. Unlocking Sagria's Ghost Shell was fun.
Time to let go and accept d2’s fate 🤷🏼♂️
Just here for your name, legendary.
Bungie has made it perfectly clear numerous times that they DON'T care about their players. Unless there's a change in their leadership, Destiny, Marathon and Bungie as a whole are doomed.
if Bungie cared they smack Pete Parsons and tell him to give up his pay to fix the the game
It won't matter what they say. The low population during the holidays -- when player population should have been high -- is further evidence the game is in the death spiral. D2 might not last more than the remainder of this year. Look forward to the months ahead when your armor and weapons are about to become obsolete due to the announced forthcoming changes. How well do you think players are going to accept such a significant reset of the grind?
Hey, do you know friend Bob, Kell of burgers?
If they talk about anything, it won’t be till around Feb 1st. That said, it will all be about things you can pay for next. That’s how it always goes
Bungie: We will address the problems with this game when we see one *Goes back to making sure Eververse works flawlessly*
If you want to get bungie’s attention, you gotta get off the Destiny 2 game for good, along with hundreds of other players. It can’t be just one person, gotta be alot and all at once. And spread the words physically or someplace more publicly, not just on this forum that are used only by community members that are aware of this forum. If everyone agree in quitting Destiny 2 all at once, than it would be a very big problem for bungie. This will alarm them. Otherwise, they’ll just continue on like nothing had happened. And business will continue as usual.
Every match is fireteam vs solo now. People are bailing in droves only to be thrown back into same mess. Idk, but as of now I'm playing something else for my multi-player fix. I finally experienced what people here been saying for years, it's not remotely fun anymore, only fun thing is testing builds in sorrows harbor
Still plays like a Noob. - old
I'm sure they will hire someone to attend to that just as soon as their GoFundMe hits its target. -
[quote]as a D2 vet since the beta in D1, I’d appreciate some transparency and feedback to what the hell is going on over there at Bungie.[/quote]Buying a burger doesn't get you a seat at the McDonald's board meeting, bud.
for the short term they should just add back crafting , long term aka next dlc they already adding fantastic changes to make the game good but ofc they need more like the base difficukty should be the tutorial mode they removed with lightfall ofc with less rewards
I think what’s going on is 1. Sony hoovered up the best staff and put them on other projects. 2. The best of the rest are working on Marathon. 3. The staff left working on D2 have (understandably) low morale. 4. Bungie as a company are [b]desperate[/b] to move on from Destiny. Similar to how they wanted away from Halo. 5. Destiny is only being strung out long enough to pay for Marathon (they hope). It’s going to be interesting to see what happens when Marathon tanks.
The player base needs to stop huffing the copium and just admit that the executives dont care and never cared. They had a decade to fix glaring issues with this game, they had huge mountains of cash they could have used to fix this game but chose not to. Even with the backing of Sony, the threat of being taken over and on the verge of financial ruin they STILL choose not to. Its best to accept this fact. The game was fun, and beautiful, but now it is over.
[quote]...but as a D2 vet since the beta in D1...[/quote] Not trying to come across as an a-hole, but this statement always makes me LOL.
Remember when they thought they needed and should try to get players. Man those were the days