-most items would have a silver path and a reasonably grindy in-game path
-players can trade most items to players who don't want to grind for Silver, like a God rolled legendary they don't want or need
-weekly sometimes daily hot patches to fix bugs
-completely separate PvE and PvP weapon and ability sandbox
-no paywalled content, even big story expansions would be completely free
-no plus requirement on PSN, Guardians play for free, Sony can stuff it!!!
-can acess bounties, cryptarch, eververse, tower vendors etc from ship
-completely customizable clan house in the last city
-Ghost would have offensive and defensive capabilities, and you could breed Wolf and Warbeast companions
-weekly livestreams where they take feedback,answer questions, share what they are currently working on and future plans
And more, but I know they couldn't afford what Sony would ask for the IP
“Big story expansions” wouldn’t exist. I love DE and love Warframe, I also love 1999. But that story was stretching a hour and a half, the rest of your playtime is going to be replaying everything you’ve already done. There’s also no difficulty selection for the story. DE operate on a smaller scale so that they can afford development under the free to play mobile like model with platinum. Do also keep in mind it’s less you can earn plat for free and more so someone else is paying, since barring giveaways any new plat injected into the economy was bought by someone.