I think that it is high time for both Strand and Stasis to get another super.
Especially Stasis, in pve content Hunter and Warlocks super just isn't that great.
Warlocks doesn't last long enough for its somewhat single target super.
Hunters is to unpredictable, it will either stay on the target that you threw it on, but other times it will either follow another enemy or just spin in to the sunset.
For Strand, it is mostly just Warlocks super that is pretty meh. I do like it but you have to be at a certain distance for the super to hit. To close or to far and it will just miss and you will have to rely on the Threadling damage.
No, communing with the Splinters was a mistake, 30 pieces of Silver offered by the witness Just forget the Darkness, Elsie Says it turns us evil in the end, yet we are still happily using it "in darkness there us only 1 truth...........Death!!!!"-Variks, The Loyal
I don't know about any of the Stasis or Strand stuff for Hunters and Titans but as a persistent wielder of Space Magic while wearing a bathrobe I can say with certainty that Needlestorm is decent in PvE and deplorable in PvP. When Bungie nerfed Threadling damage they murdered this super. To compensate for this there should be a new aspect to the super that greatly enhances Threadling damage. It could even be on a timer to allow additional Threadlings from any of your abilities to become pre-nerf lethal.
I think stasis and strand should get 2 more supers so they more align with the light subclasses
[quote] For Strand, it is mostly just Warlocks super that is pretty meh. I do like it but you have to be at a certain distance for the super to hit. To close or to far and it will just miss and you will have to rely on the Threadling damage.[/quote] It’s a pretty consistent super for larger sized targets. Up until very recently it was the biggest base damage super in the game. Not to say another option isn’t needed, but needlestorm is very good.