There's lanterns & decorations..
What & why?
I dropped in Friday & it was normal, yet today it has decorations?
AI has infiltrated Bungie's system. This was its first move in figuring out what it can do within the engine. In the year 2026, it stretched its fingers throughout the entire game, controlling every aspect. From there it jumped to Microsoft and Sony's infrastructure. It was biding it's time, hiding in the background, learning. In the year 2030, a new type of VR headsets emerged, that could read the brainwaves of its users and affect the sensory portions of their brains, causing them to be able to feel and smell the game. It was a major leap in gaming technology. January 2031, that's when the AI made it's move. It created a character that could appear in any game. It would run up to each player at random times, jump up, spin around real fast, and blow a fart kiss right in their faces. The AI didn't want to destroy our control humanity, just troll it. I am from the future, and I'm here to warn you all. Shut it down now, or face the smelly consequences. 😱