I'm on Xbox experiencing high ability spam that isn't possible, lots of Blink users with insane teleportation to headshot accuracy after landing from blink, infinite ammo whether it's heavy or primary, low hit detection; yet I find myself shredded by 2 shots, infinite supers from players with tier 2 intellect, shooting around impossible corners and narrow spaces with ridiculous headshots accuracy, impossible mobility and agility, higher fire rates than possible with certain weapon types, hiding in walls, teleporting to zones via net limiting; I could freaking go on and on.
Playing is beyond frustrating and quite honestly maddening.
I'm not a great pvp player but I'm no slouch either. It's just crazy how with such a low player population that somehow all the elite level pvp players stuck around to troll pvp but that really isn't the case.
What's happening is Bungie just said Blam this game.
They aren't even trying.
Hope someday I can find a game that resonates with me so I can forever put this title that I was once so enamored with behind me.
By the looks of things Bungie HAS been active. Posts like these in the last few days have been locked or censored.