How are entire clans publicizing that their cheating? Everyone in the clans is using them. It's in their names, clan has it in their description. They openly say they are in chat. Hours old accounts with 90+ accaucy.
They're literally waving a giant flag, stating that they're cheating. Yet bungie is doing nothing about it.
Cheating is slowly becoming the number 1 issue in pvp. It's gotten ridiculously out of hand.
I know of several clans and groups of mainly pvp mains who go from clan to clan doing paid carries/recovs and openly cheating (on console using xim and chronus). The problem is Bungie’s complete lack of anti-cheat follow through. It’s so bad now that I’ve actually heard players joke and say they were just going to start cheating because “wtf, if you can’t beat em, join em.” The game is in the worst shape it’s ever been in… It really is pathetic and Bungie is to blame.