This episode was way too experimental all at once I won't go too deep into it you all know what I mean.
Remember when crafting first came out and there were too many materials so people yelled and they changed it.
Why did we go to a system that's arguably more time consuming and far worse than that. Tonics aren't it I'm happy a grind is back for weapons and we aren't fully ditching crafting but why in hell would you get rid of engram focusing on seasonal weapons. Hell the past few patches updating tonics to be better just prove they needed more testing before this and even still it's not worth it.
I came out with only 1 thought this season and that's God I hate grinding onslaught which is weird cause when the brave weapons happened I enjoyed it know why I didn't have to stop midway through to refresh my weapon focus cause it expired not to mention you got tokens you could then cash in for extra chances of a weapon of your choice since focusing on that weapon increased its drop chance from the vender.
It's just if you wanted us to do onslaught why not keep that same system from before
This season has just been nothing but problems and as much as I love the feel of the weapons I need to play something that respects my time and not feel pointless or I got cheated.
I hope Act 3 at least delivers a decent wrap up and Heresy is an actual improvement but with the recent track record I don't trust it.
Apologies for the rant I just needed to vent.
I just hope that when they bring the Dreadnaught next episode that they keep remnants of it after the episode is over. It seems like it would be a huge waste to remake the Dreadnaught space to show time has passed only to vault it away
Why do people hate Eliksni seasons ? Plunder and now Revenent I think people only liked Splicer because the Vanguard political story and Lakshmis attempted coup
Ready for Eido to feel bad about Fikrul and let him, Eramis and the echo go.
Yeah nah ….haven’t completed any episodes…I tried the first one and realised is just a chore list and got repetitive very quickly . I’m at a point I’m just hanging on playing a few games of control .
What are you talking about!? They introduced "TONICS"!! 😆
I have always wanted an updated version of Prison/Challenge of Elders to come to D2.,One with all enemies having their own encounters with bosses and its own lootpool. The version that we got in this season is a really bad one. There are only 4 enemies(5 technically as Taken and Dread are together) out of 7 as its missing Fallen and Vex. Hive and Cabal bosses are so boring( getting sick of Psion bosses personally) and no lootpool of its own. I lost interest in it very quickly 😒. Haven't like this season at all honestly and not gonna bother with the exotic mission either.
Didn't read that post but I'll fix it for you episodes are not it.
Wild that you think Bungie is being too experimental lol