I was at the final encounter on the exotic mission and the game decided to dc me (MY INTERNET IS FINE, I’m on a wired connection). Now I have to do it all over again. Are checkpoints really that inconvenient to make? Why are we stepping away from a basic video game feature?
Elite tier Titan main - old
You didn't know? Exotic missions typically don't come with the luxury of checkpoints, so you'll have to manage without your usual safety net. If you're having trouble, it's probably because your internet connection is as unreliable as your gaming skills. Here's how you might fix that pitiful connection: try using an actual Ethernet cable for once, place your router somewhere it won't be completely useless, update that ancient firmware, stop running every app under the sun while you're trying to play, check if your microwave isn't jamming your signal, reboot your router because, let's face it, you probably haven't done that in ages, set up QoS if you can figure out how, and maybe run a speed test to see just how bad it is. Good luck, you'll need it.