Firstly, let me say, that I have loved Destiny 2 since I was gifted a copy of Forsaken. Have really enjoyed the graphics, scenery and music and of course, the story.
However, I am an older player who was never in to pvp, pve games prior to being gifted that Forsaken. I am not really interested in becoming an Elite player such a Esoterickk, Kackis, and numerous others. I just love playing. But, I did really enjoy being able to feel accomplished while playing. Such as , finishing the weekly challenges, being able to finish and receive the seasonal seals, etc.
Unfortunately, I can no longer do that. Everything is being geared to the Elite, right down to the weekly challenges. It is all legend this, master that and grand master everything else. The story line has become more legend or higher to get done. I am not liking this at all. What happened to us lesser players being able to play. The Elite have raids, dungeons, legend/master/grand master stuff, Trials of Osiris, etc. You would have thought the storyline and the weekly challenges could have been left for ppl like me to be able to play and feel that same accomplishment of the gameplay. Not EVERYTHING should be that HARD.
I love Destiny 2 so much, I actually spent the money on the deluxe edition for the game and I wanted the Tower. However, I have found myself not enjoying the game as much, playing the game much less (which I was playing everyday so many hours) and wishing that I had NOT spent that money that I really couldn't afford.
Some of these comments are outright ignorant and narcissistic. Pull your heads in, everybody has a differnet skill level, and everybody has different levels of enjoyment from the various content. Some people enjoy running around in patrol completing bounties, some people enjoy ticking boxes, some people enjoy solo dungeons. The game somewhat caters to everybody, except where the skill floor keeps raising, instead of the ceiling being raised. Campaigns, storylines, and weekly tick-boxes should be accessible to everbody.