Please bring back these 2 beloved weapons, at the same time. Over delivery is what you need.
It also will make players look forward to multiple weeks of GM. Right now its just wait till that 1 interesting weapon is in rotation then never touch GM again.
Make me want to player GM 2 weeks in a row. You cant be withhold at this point. I'd also like to point out how little development cost that would be to get player excited about playing GMs multiple weeks in a row.
[quote]Please bring back these 2 beloved weapons, at the same time. Over delivery is what you need. It also will make players look forward to multiple weeks of GM. Right now its just wait till that 1 interesting weapon is in rotation then never touch GM again. Make me want to player GM 2 weeks in a row. You cant be withhold at this point. I'd also like to point out how little development cost that would be to get player excited about playing GMs multiple weeks in a row.[/quote] Why, they’re not up to par stat wise with other options in those slots.