Please look into the red border drops from Neomuna as they seem to be bugged since nothing is dropping for me.
Heroic Patrols dont give red border weapons. Same with weekly missions.
Please increase the drop rate, the grind is not fun in 2025.
Thank you
[quote]Heroic Patrols dont give red border weapons[/quote] They do - it's intentionally been nerfed. You used to be guaranteed a weapon from heroic patrols but during Lightfall (specifically Season of the Deep) they were added to the heroic public event loot pool so Bungie removed the guarantee and filled the loot pool with world drop items as well. So now you've got ~3/4 layers of RNG for it - getting the heroic patrol, it actually dropping a Neomuna weapon, it being a weapon you need, and it being red bordered. Make sure you've maxed out Nimbus for the engram upgrade. Unfortunately the guaranteed source from the story missions was retired with the launch of TFS. [quote]The Neomuna vendor engram upgrade will now increase the drop chance of Deepsight Neomuna weapons. This bonus will be automatic if you've already claimed the vendor engram upgrade.[/quote]