Looking for a new clan, preferably UK timezone and no copy/paste❤️
[EU][PC] Ammolite - The only gem you'll ever need PvE DISCLAIMER: Ammolite is fresh-ish, we are building from scratch so currently there isn't many of us, but we hope to change that soon Clan URL: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/5282823 Region & Platform: [EU]/[PC] Bored of joining clans just to be excluded or find it barely active? Ammolite is a fresh upcoming clan made out of players who love Destiny and stick with it through thick and thin. We need people like you! People who want to become better, learn or even teach others how to become a true Guardian! We are happy to welcome anybody, from newer players through returning players or even veterans. In Ammolite We will make sure people connect and stay active. We want it to be more than just a simple community, Ammolite will grow to one day conquer the galaxy! Join us and help us show that companionship is the most important in reaching greatness! | What we offer | Help in learning Raid/Dungeons/etc! Active members! Laid back community that's easy to become friends with! Flexible schedules, someone is going to be active no matter what time it is! Community events such as Funday Friday! | What we expect from you | Be active both in discord and in game. Have a mic and speak English. Be at least 21 Years old. Have at least some knowledge of the game and it's content. Be a decent human being, treat others as you'd like to be treated. If Ammolite sounds like a perfect place for you make sure to DM @ matamachu (on discord) Let's conquer the galaxy together!
Edited by Andy-ALAW BEEP-BEEP: 1/14/2025 11:27:11 AMCheck out the clan I’m in mate Uk based most people on around 7-8 there is some daytime activity Chilled group we raid when we can and are happy to help with content you are new to missions raids dungeons etc We are small in numbers compared to come clans but we are high skilled when we want to be but we are chilled and like to get -blam!- done and have a laugh on the way
We set up everything and teach all content we actually have in our discord a lfg in advance channel that we set all activities up for people to join so we teach people new raids etc and it also let's others set up all activities in their timezones so it lets us know who needs help in whathttps://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1592107
Good afternoon Faithe, hopefully the clan of No Vexpectations can be your new home. We accept regardless of platform; we only ask that you have experience in at least 2 raids and 2 dungeons. We do teaching runs, have numerous guides, and have a very interactive and active community. Although we are a small community, we more than makeup for it with our energy and passion for the game! Join today via the links below; joining the Discord Server is essential! Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=5301456 Please message me on Discord @hardstyled before you request to join the Clan. This will allow me to send you a Discord Server invite.
Hi faithe! Pocket resurgence is currently ,recruiting - We are mainly based in the EU (so events tend to be around evening time GMT over the weekend) but have members across the globe, so allowances can be made here or there. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4578676 I have a recruitment post up right now if you'd like to find out more. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/264528113/0/0 If that doesn't answer your questions, please feel free to DM me.
Edited by ProfessorHDZ: 1/13/2025 11:52:12 AMHey Faithe, we just started out and have made a small clan, we have a discord and are looking to create a teaching guiding and enjoyable clan ill add more info to the bottom if your interested. if your interested here is the clan link : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=5315963 If your interested in what our clans about here is some more info: [b]Quick to the Point[/b] Our clan in the past day has currently grown to 6 members and looking to get some more,to help build a supportive fun clan, I will guide and run you through everything you want from raids, dungeons and any PVE content. I am on almost everyday. There is a discord already set up and ready to go no different than every other clan. [b]Long Point[/b] Any game is fun when you log in and have clan mates to play with and enjoy playing with. Regardless if your brand new, returning or current player that was mostly solo or came from a different clan, I will help you out through what ever you need. If your looking to dive in to end game content or a re just starting the new light story and campaigns don't worry I have your back, and as we grow as clan we will have our clans back. I hope to grow this into a clan and bring back the fun times, because even if you are playing the stuff a million times it doesn't get old when your playing with the right group of people.