Next time you ever do a triumph like ‘Barren Ground' which is required for the Title of Slayer Baron, could you please make the enemy in question more available outside of say just an activity like Onslaught Salvation? There should have been some more sprinkled throughout other things like the story, Prison of Elders & Kell’s Fall all of which would have counted towards this to make it less of a tedious process than repeatedly doing to Round 6 and going to orbit rinse and repeat. All of the other triumphs besides this one (and maybe Sabotage Barrage) are basically much less time-consuming to get.
The triumph isn't even tied to the enemy, from what I can tell it's tied to shooting the red emblem that goes into the air after you kill the Barron. You can farm the Barron's but never get more than 12 completions per full run.