This game is dead, unless you start making this better for the player. For instance, checkpoints. I was in the middle of the Kells exotic mission, well I had to walk away for a minute. I was almost at the end. And got booted. Now I have to start all over. Well it's simple. I won't. Now I won't touch destiny again until the next "season" and it's only cause I've paid for it already. Make the player experience better especially when -blam!- goes wrong. So many other companies do it. It's time to move forward.
You are losing players in droves, sure some may come back. But your leaving such a bad taste in players mouths, that many won't. Your reputation is at stake. Your releasing marathon soon, if someone asked me if they should play it, I would say no. You can't trust bungie to release a quality experience. They don't have the players interest at heart.
You must repair your reputation before you release marathon. The only way to do that is to help the player experience in destiny.
Sometimes IMO I think they are just sick of Destiny period, yea it's a successful IP but it's their only IP soo far that's helping them by hoping Marathon be successful "which I doubt" The only way I see Marathon being successful is that it has to become something more than an extraction shooter like adding more modes for a variety of players. *PVE *raids *3v3 *6v6 *Competitive *Private matches Extraction shooters alone not gonna cut it anymore that ship sailed