I'm rather disappointed with this season. Especially act 3. We were promised by Bungie, that we would get a castlevania themed vampire hunting exotic mission. We have not. It isn't even close. I wish Bungie would quit blaming us for having to high of expectations, when they can't even follow through on the very things they promised in the first place. Our expectations are pretty low when they should be higher but Bungie did that to themselves. As someone who is a day 1 of D1 vet, Bungie you disappoint me.
Things they say & treat us like mugs. Remember the 10th anniversary, DMG said on twitter the intro quest was just the beggining & there was much more to come. Again giving ammo to defenders who then came to the forums defending bungie against anyone who dared complain about the anniversary with 'bungie said there's much more to come:. No surprise there was nothing else, zero, nothing, nada, just lies.