I got an email from userresearch@info.bungie.net about a survey related to bungie's marketing I believe. In the email was a survey link and it was written on completion within 4 weeks I would receive 1500 silver on the account. I was able to access the survey and complete it. I checked during 4 weeks but nothing was sent so I waited. It is now december 9th and there is still no silver on my account. So I'm wondering now if this is related to the reason why no matter how many times I try what has been told by bungie to unlink my email, uncheck everything, etc and relink for emails, I never get them especially on the email I put in for the account. That problem aside maybe that is affecting bungie's ability to track the correct account to deposit the silver in? If someone could look into this that would be great. Both the ability to really link my email to my account and the silver error from the survey I completed.
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! As viiTactiiCZz suggested, we can confirm that using our missing Eververse or Add-on item contact form is the best course of action for assistance with missing survey silver: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497031-Contact-Form-Missing-Silver