So, I am aware that Bungie likes to add one triumph every season that is a bit more grindy than the rest. Usually about twice the work of the others, and usually not a requirement for the title, but a little stretch goal for the completionists. We have seen bad versions of this before, like the champion requirement in the pirate season. This season, though, it is getting completely out of hand.
Actually, there are 2 triumphs like this in Revenant: "Scorn Dominator" (Defeat (50) bosses in Onslaught:Salvation) and "Fight to the End" (Complete (40) runs of Onslaught:Salvation), but as the first one only counts the final boss, these 2 triumphs are in principle the same, and to get them done you need to do 50, yes fifty! full runs of Onslaught:Salvation.
(I have a suspicion that the first was intended to count any boss kill, but it only counts the final boss, so 50 runs it is.)
A full run is 50 waves. 50 runs is 2500 waves. If you fail in wave 48, extinguish makes sure you get zero progress. A full run takes an hour. 50 runs takes 50+ hours. In 50 hours you can do 50 raids and dungeons, and that is way more fun than this. Imagine a triumph requiring 50 raid completions over a few months. No? I thought so. 2500 Waves of Onslaught is extremely repetitive, and the player base is now small enough to some times not even give you a team on matchmaking if you try to add some variation by playing something other than Widow's court.
50 hours is 2 full weekends if you play 12+ hours every day. It is more than a full work week. Even the most moronic of completionists, like me, are reconsidering their priorities at this point, which is reflected in that these triumphs have a completion rate in the 0.0x% range. It is not good when people join the chat with the attitude "well, I guess we have to get some more runs of this sh*t done". It's not exactly fostering great, fun game time.
I am not suggesting changing these triumphs now, simply out of respect for the people who have already done this (I have not, I have other obligations in my life). If you do change them, at least give these people an emblem or something. But, for the future, [b]please don't add seasonal achievements that takes more than a workweek of effort to complete[/b] for no real return.
Also, did you make destination grind seasonal challenges progress slower? It feels like it. Please stop trying to bully people into excessively repeating playing content we have already been doing for a decade.
Was bored after 3 …