The rise of input manipulation devices (IMDs) in Destiny’s PvP community is an issue we can no longer ignore. These tools exploit aim assist and input behaviors, providing users with unfair advantages, yet some people casually dismiss them as “soft cheats.” This term minimizes the harm caused and creates a dangerous precedent by normalizing cheating in a game that thrives on competitive integrity.
Let’s be clear: cheating is cheating, regardless of whether it’s a wallhack, an aimbot, or an input manipulation device. Anything that enhances gameplay beyond a player’s natural skill level is a violation of fair play. The more we label these devices as “less bad,” the more we encourage players to adopt them, eroding trust and sportsmanship in Destiny’s PvP.
Bungie needs to act decisively, banning IMDs outright. Other games have implemented strict measures against these devices, and Destiny must follow suit to protect the community. It’s also on streamers and community leaders to stop calling IMDs “soft cheats,” as this language downplays the seriousness of their impact and sends the wrong message to their audiences.
The community must take a stand. Report cheating, avoid downplaying the issue, and demand stronger anti-cheat measures. There’s no gray area—cheating in any form undermines the game we all love. Let’s ensure Destiny’s PvP remains a true test of skill, not manipulation.
EDIT: If you mention the names of the cheats or how they work, you get instantly banned from the forum.
EDIT: To ban these players, you literally just need to go to youtube and watch their demo videos. The names and contacts are there in front of you!
Edited by Dredgen Truth: 1/15/2025 2:41:09 AMThe reason it is referred to as soft cheating is not to distinguish it as being more acceptable than other cheats in some nonsense way, but to instead identify it from more potent cheats that are more easily noticeable. Beyond that, while I do agree on the idea that fair play is incredibly important, there is an issue. That line does need to be drawn somewhere. Is having a better pc cheating? Is having a better mouse cheating? A better gamer chair, for christ's sake. All of those things can have measurable effects on a players performance, but most people would not call that cheating. Now, let me be clear, I'm not arguing that IMD's are not cheating. They absolutely are, but when we start having this discussion we also have to start having certain other discussions on where we draw that line. Are crouch macros cheating? Bungie clearly seems to think so, given that they implemented a cap on how many times you can crouch in a small period of time. At that point, is anything that requires (or otherwise uses) a macro cheating? Shatterskating, snapskating, projectile flying with a grapple? It's a much more nuanced discussion than I think a lot of people give it credit for. Nobody except for the cheaters are gonna disagree that cheating is bad, but there are finer details that need to be hammered out.