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Edited by AnakinSkywalker (Timelost): 1/22/2025 1:36:19 AM

Garden of Salvation Title Lockout

It is impossible to get the Enlightened Title right now. It is known in the community that the first encounter in Garden of Salvation will bug out if you kill the minotaur to start the encounter. However for those who don't know you HAVE to kill the minotaur to start the encounter if you want the Voltaic Tether Triumph for the Enlightened Raid title. How the bug works: When you kill the minotaur to start the encounter instead of tethering with the door, the boss will stop moving in the second room. It will not drop Voltaic Overcharge and will just sit there making it impossible to progress. Tethering to the doors in the third room with the second overload also does nothing, the door doesn't open and the boss doesn't move. How the Voltaic Overcharge Triumph is completed: Players are not allowed to tether to a door unless they have the Voltaic Overcharge buff. Normally to do this players would kill the minotaur, want for the boss to drop at least 3 Voltaic Overcharge, then tether to the door and maybe the second if they were fast enough. The Triumph isn't hard on it's own, just requires patience and basic knowledge on how the encounter works. So you can imagine the frustration when we spend hours attempting the triumph thinking everyone in lfg are braindead just to find out the game is bugged and the third encounter boss instakill was more important than being locked out of content. I personally have not been affected by this issue because I got the title when the raid came out some years ago but it's made helping players who are newer to the game very hard. Please fix this issue as soon as possible or at least acknowledge it in a TWAB or a Tweet so we get an idea of when it's getting fixed.

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