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Edited by BeXSteaD: 1/28/2025 6:26:54 PM

Still being forced to play activities

This is another season/episodes where players/customers are made to play activities they may not want to in order to complete the seasonal challenges and get the bonus. In my situation as a customer, I'm being forced to play pvp, I have no interest in playing Destiny 2 pvp, it isn't my cup of tea. As a customer I shouldn't be forced to play activities I don't want to in order to complete enough seasonal challenges in order to get the bright dust bonus. I have completed most of the pve challenges and did plan on completing them all but there is no point as I still won't have enough done to get the bonus, I need to complete more pvp challenges. There is also an issue with some of the gambit challenges making players play gambit and hope that scorn show up as a enemy in order to complete a number of different elemental kills of that enemy type. It was the same last season, the enemy type required to complete this challenge isn't frequent making players run more gambit in hope of that enemy type to appear. I've gone 10 matches without facing scorn this episode, I like gambit but again this seems like a way to make players keep playing the game in hopes to get what the player/customer wants to get done. Please look into this, I know the game needs to populate activities, there has to be a way to do that without forcing customers/players to do activities they don't find fun. It is getting more and more apparent of the tactics being used in order to keep players playing, when this becomes visible it makes the game less fun.

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  • Lol sounds like you missed the week The Corrupted was the nightfall. If you go in solo you can just free roam and kill all the scorn you want. Also, you arent being "forced" to play anything. They add those CHALLENGES for people who want to CHALLENGE themselves and play everything the game has to offer. It sounds like to me you dont really like playing Destiny all that much. In my opinion, if you dont like at least 90 percent of the aspects of a game then maybe the game isnt for you.

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