Most definitely. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Dreadnaught as a setting and the reveal has actually made me interested enough to log in and give it a try when it drops. Big Taken King nostalgia feels. Weapons look interesting. And it very much looks like a dry run for 'Frontiers' But I already know that what we've seen will probably mostly be 'it'. I never really trusted Bungie to deliver what they promised, but somehow they managed to drop that bar even further (is anyone else still waiting for the vampires to turn up in Revenant)? There's also no point in chasing armor if they're trashing all that in three month's time, other than for the transmog so that's, what, maybe a week's run or a season pass completion for all the options? Bungie was a company leaning into 'under delivery' (by their own admission), but now they seem committed to it.