Oryx coming back again is just exhausting at this point. We killed him in the world, on his throne world, and even prevented him from being resurrected in a dungeon. And yet he comes back? Took a page out of the Star Wars playbook I see.
I don’t really view this in the same way as like Taniks. Taniks was brought back but was the same character every time. Oryx coming back in this way - we don’t really know what his plot lines are going to be yet. He’s back through the power of an echo but being revived like this is directly counter to the sword logic he believed in so heavily. I also don’t really count the King’s Fall raid version as a separate version - we don’t actually kill him in the Regicide mission in the KF campaign. He retreats. And plus in GotD it’s more the threat of him being revived than him being revived itself