I am no longer participating in anything, i will not ever come back
But here’s an insight to whatever this sqwawking spectacle of absolute dissapointment fo all sides that is this Year has brought.
The two Seasons have stinked, really really hard, enough for almost all of the game to become so - blam!- Stale that to this day, heck, i’ve attempted the displeasure of trying to get back, but good sqwawking lord, the designs of Everything has now made me sure that this game will die without any glimmer of saving graces.
No other things, your needs to Say to me to get a job or touching grass are gonna be left to the wind.
You have been warned.
Quite the cliffhanger on Echoes, leaving us dissapointed as sqwawk as Sundaresh just pulls a houdini act after a Sqwawking Void bomb would have disintegrated her.
At least Revenant had something, one ending that actually is surprising and gives some insight for house Salvation’s future, Even that if the end of services arrive, it will be left forever unknown.
But jeebus, those tonic recipes might be the worst things i’ve ever looked at, and you’re planning to continue them on Heresy.
I’m sure that in the end of Heresy Act III, Oryx Comes back, kills somebody before disappearing, leaving the dreadnought to be a simple ship that is stranded to the abyss of nowhere but the vicinity of Saturn…
Ntm, A sqwawking no Health regen modifier on the god darn ENTIRETY OF THE ACTIVITY ?
So now.
I’ll go to the prophetic stuff.
Here’s what will happen if Frontiers is ACTUALLY WORTH A DARN.
Good, You have ACTUALLY redeemed yourselves once more, which would leave me sorrow since all of us Including the content creators are considered to be watered down Algorithm Food that are discarded the nanosecond we no longer matter
But now what will you do to continue Keeping us in cages aye ? After all, if the apes feel bored to death as the game remains the same anyway, what will be your solution for them to keep themselves entertained ?
I hope you got some Top notch Stuff cause your living stock is bailing out as you never placed hounds to keep the Predators of Toxicity at bay which don’t eat us but turn us to the same as they are :
Toxic Overloading reflexes-having Know-It-Alls that would not hesitate to depress us into either leaving the game permanently or force us to sharing our pain.
So what will happen if Frontiers doesn’t reach the goal ?
Hmm, very difficult to say without being very mean to the devs. But is it ? No, because we all know what happens.
“Well -blam!-, another 100$ wasted, another proof that the AAA Industry is crashing down to be forgotten and Considering that millions play D2 and pay for it like i do, Pete McParsons buys more Hypercars/Super Rare Classics to show of how much of a -blam!- narcissistic pariah he is, as his executive buddies keep on placing a crushing weight on his employees.”
Few days/months later…
“Oh dear, now a 20 year old Company is now on the process of being Liquidated cause they sqwawked around and found out Bankruptcy, Now Destiny 2 is shutting down services, was a long time coming anyway.”
Now to announce my Final Shape.
to the folks of this Magnificent Community…
Despite the good bunch of bad apples here and there.
Hope you have a good 130+ days of absolute suffering as Bungie’s executives will
Force their inferiors to seduce you to give even more cash on Eververse with the Star wars Emergency collab to avoid bankruptcy Collab.
And the Guardian games, cause i’m sure they’ll gouge the prices EVEN MORE, including increasing the prices for Dungeon Keys, Season Passes and all, ntm that they’ll stop doing Annual Dungeon Keys for more money.
I’m still not sure if you’re patience will see the end of it, but if so, i’ll salute your patience as yours can be given a medal, as the States you are living in gives you Repairs on damages on the money stolen and well being.
And may you folks defend the Poor employees that have been marked for doom by Parsons
I can give my glorious thanks for the folks that helped me in the dungeons, Raids, and Grandmasters so i could have had the times i can never get back.
Your help can never be surpassed.
to the creators…
I’m sorry as this ship that you wanted to save from its fate be now impossible to steer away from that Iceberg, your persistence is to be also remembered.
I wish that you keep enjoying what’s left, after all, i watched your guides and builds etc…
As i will take my leave, i can wish one request, to you and the followers, beware of what they can pull next.
Cause Holy sqwawks, If Verity wasn’t the worst that they can pull, we might have to deal with a raid that can be able to damage both our morale and functions.
to the employees that are NOT THE EXECS and PARSONS.
May you escape from their grasp as fast as you can and be hired and reach your dreams, as this one is nothing but a corporate nightmare in my eyes.
One that i can remember as the LONGEST -blam!- SCAMMING SCHEME AFTER THE GDC TALK YEARS AGO.
Now to The Executive and parsons…
to be honest… i felt like you could redeem yourselves, i have to say, you hooked me another time on Revenant’s last legs before becoming history.
But am i satisfied by your product ?
No, will never be anyway.
you made a franchise complete history like Halo is.
AFTER ALL, you considered us only as statistics. Walking ATMS with NO PURPOSE AT ALL BUT TO SERVE YOU’RE PLATES WITH GREEN !
After i’ve let Destiny 1 go as a younger one, you have transformed the game to an Abberant clone, way out of its time.
Because HOLY COW, i rather Play Dust 514 than your sorry excuse of a Reborn game.
But anyway, you are nothing but a pat of the companies that would focus on controlling folks more than making them happy.
The video Game Crash will also be reborn, As you, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft will fall to bankruptcy since ALL YOU EVER CARED was money and statistics.
And once this happens, may all the employees below you that you have oppressed receive damages for the peer pressure we never had seen happened on them
That’s all i needed to say.
Terminating Connection.
1011011001101 - old
I've come to the conclusion that D2 is a testing ground for what marathon we be no proof though just a gut feeling, all the future nerfs they are doing are driving players away and they keep dangling that carrot, and tell us it's fresh but when the players start to eat, they say this carrot is rotten, so don't trust what bungie say in the live streams just look don't listen. Their goal is not to keep destiny going because marathon will be coming out next year or in 2027 players see what they're doing. I won't be surprised to hear that marathon will D2 pvp I just guessing though but who knows.