Am I the only one who finds it baffling that they took the two worst and most unfavorable modifiers (Attrition and Famine) and made them the core gimmick of next season's seasonal activity? I don't care if we're getting a shield and health bump to offside it, I hate health regen negation mechanics. Additionally, imagine doing an arc-focused season while making the seasonal activity (at least at first glance) feel like it's gonna be you throwing if you're not running solar to offset the stupid lack of regen?
As for non-craftable seasonal weapons, I'm just not gonna bother farming for them when there's no perk focusing or blacklisting like how there was in Season of the Hunt. Doing patrol scavenger hunts to find some random item to unlock a tonic to do a worse-off version of focusing with no new benefits over just focusing engrams is just... why? Y'all had a great focusing system in Hunt, and then never did it again. Increasing drops doesn't matter if you're always getting garbage rolls and adding garbage perks over something useful.
Speaking of awful perks, reverberation... oh my god is that the worst perk I've seen them make. Yes, getting a kill increases the blast radius.... We all know that increased blast radius decreases impact damage, and if you want to increase blast radius then you might as well wish for Explosive Light, which doesn't need a kill and grants a 25% increase in damage (I think about 60% or so on GLS) AND maxed blast radius all for picking up an orb. Who at Bungie thought this was gonna be a desired perk? Everytime I see it drop it's an instant dismantle on whatever it rolled on. There's so many garbage or useless perks that clutter the perk pools of weapons with no way to minimize or make your odds better of not getting an instant dismantle.
Bring back perk blacklisting for seasonal weapons or likeminded individuals won't bother with trying to get new weapons. Speaking of new weapons... Why are we adding Adept seasonals when their main gimmick (Those special mods that do unique effects) go away after the season? Why? Why are you adding something unique and cool just to throw it away. Why bother doing a shitty seasonal activity with awful baseline modifiers when you can do a gm and get a weapon that'll last you however long until it's power crept or nerfed (Both of which happen a lot)
I want to be excited for next season, but after all the dumb nerfs, going back to weekly story gating, increasing the power by 10, speaking of which, is so damn pointless. If power is to stay, then fundamentally overleveling NEEDS to be a thing otherwise you are just being set back -10 for no reason, only to climb back up to be at the same power and strength you were at before the increase. We already have activities placing you below -5 -10 -15 -20 and so on, so why are we still doing power increases when the game just places you below a certain number anyway? You're not getting stronger, and wasting upgrade modules, hoping you get a pinnacle for everything you need, which could be up to 200+ weapons and armor is just annoying as hell.
I'm really hoping the narrative is above average, since this is a Hive-themed season and narratively this is usually Bungie's specialty. If the narrative is below average, then I simply won't be caring for this season at all. I'm already burned out on Bungie's bs, I've remained hopeful that they'll reverse some awful changes that no life and streamers only enjoy, and simply make the game fun again. Nonstop ad respawn with no time to breathe, bosses with 60 Million HP, everything doing so much damn damage and pushing you to run regen/overshield/insta kill or you die loadouts. I hate that I have to run a weapon with AoE potential because of the nonstop ad respawn design Bungie has been going with ever since Duality dropped. And then they wonder why Graviton Lance was so highly used, NOT using it in most activities just feels awful, everything is so tanky and there's always so many ads that keep respawning faster than you can keep them dead AND have to do damage to bosses.
Point is that I have been patient with Bungie, but they keep insisting that these sorts of changes are what players want... when player numbers definitely don't reflect that... But whatever, keep on doubling down on changes the mass doesn't want, and keep on nerfing things, keep on seeing those player numbers drop. Because clearly Bungie knows best, am I right?
I want to be positive about this all... But I will NOT be mindlessly positive like some people are being about this. I want this game to be fun again, but these changes are just not it. Not for me and the three clans I've been in over the years.
This 💯.
Edited by Mistress Ani 99: 1/31/2025 12:28:39 AMOver bloating the perk pool is a sure fire design tactic to ensure prolonged gameplay time… cough cough weighted perks. Hmmmm it’s almost like they’re trying to kill their own game… do they get bonuses if it fails or do they get released from their contracts without penalties… both are probably true.
Well the joke is NOT on me this time because I didn't buy the Final Shape.. even when it was on sale!
It's almost like Bungie is trying to drive more players away.
Well, “attrition” is sorta fitting - it’s a great descriptor for the player base…
I had the same feeling when I watched the recap yesterday. The no health regen and using the healing auto turned me off. I’ll still give it a try to know for sure, but I’m not hyped.
The drip fed story will make you run the seasonal event each week to progress. Then they’ll tell us how popular the seasonal event is👍
See it proves they "HEAR US". They saw we hated the mods, but only seeing the names of the mods and not reading anything else, and said "[i]Hey lets make a season around them as people talk about them all the time. This will be epic![/i]" Epic failure that is!!! Happily I've pretty much gone the way all my past clans, all of them, of gone. Away from Destiny that is!
I agree with what I read, Wall O text. But no health regen, limited revives, limited ammo, and watch out what boons you get because some are bad. Sounds so friendly and built around the average player having fun. Bungie has really lost touch, i will not be playing any more next season than I did this season. Too many core issues and making the game hard for no reason. ABSOLUTELY hate no health regen and limited revives!
Me at low health - "I'm taking a tactical death guys"
I have barely touched this seasons seasonal content. Not a fan of the tonics or modifiers. I will play what I have fun with. I also despise the attrition and togetherness modifiers. Basically anything that will negatively effect health regen I will avoid like the plague, or crutch devour if I do play them. Basically anything that will gate health recovery, kind of forces you into a restoration/devour build by default to mitigate it.
Looks like I'll be taking a longer holiday away from Bungo. Meh, whatever. I've kinda given up on this game being what it "could've been".
Yeaaaaah , no healing !! Just what everyone was asking for , right ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bungie management is dumber than a bucket of shrimp ..
Definitely not alone on this. I get trying to spice things up, but stopping health regen is just not the way to go.
Honestly it’s gonna really suck to be a Solo player, all my friends have moved onto other games, kind of makes me glad to not want to buy any more DLC for Destiny and potentially move on myself. Destiny’s ship is sinking thanks to people like Pete Parsons, I have no hopes for Marathon.
i love how 0 players in this forum have watched the stream and cry about the health parth lol
This is how it goes with rudderless ships
Bump! 👆
Bungie: It’s Marathon or bust at this point for us. Destiny Team meeting is once a month and the first topic is always Eververse.
Damn I just hope that the players like you would just do yourself a favor and just stop playing this game. I just really cannot understand who forces you to spend time with an activity that you seem to hate no matter what.
Edited by Wolves: 1/31/2025 6:42:09 PM
Attrition is an entirely different modifier. It’s the one from the birthplace GM this season, where you get more health, but don’t regen. It makes things easier, not harder.
Maybe our comments should be going directly to SONY.
There are plenty of ways to regain health at least, from two different Orb pick-up Leg Armor mods to abilities such as Devour or Restoration, even Healing Rift every minute or so to top your health off if you have a friendly neighborhood Warlock on your team. As for the story, based on what was discussed in the stream my expectations are extremely low. Let's face it: everyone was expecting Xivu Arath, not some random no-name Dredd to get the Echo and be the focus of the season. Hive may be the bread and butter for Bungie but this is a Taken and Dredd season apparently. Even the Dungeon is probably Scorn and Dredd focused, being in Rhulk's Pyramid. Maybe Hive will have some parts of this but it's not looking good, and that is coming from someone who doesn't particularly care for Hive lore.
I'll be dipping my toe in because I loved the Dreadnaught as a location, but most definitely 'un-hyped' about the whole thing. Right now, Bungie have set the bar so low you'd be hard pressed to fit a feeler gauge underneath it..
Don’t play it then , geez all the complaining before it’s even out.