I have made a few post about this and I feel like it's starting to gain some traction. This is for Bungies eye, and I'm sure there's a few people out there who will have something negative to say. Be constructive if you have input.
I love destiny. I have played it since day one Vanilla D1, I've completed every raid, dungeon, pantheon, grandmaster and the majority of Master content. I'm unbroken, and gone flawless many times. I have put tens of thousands of hours into this game. My voice means something to this community whether anyone knows who.i am or not. I am 100% one of the the oldest and most seasoned Destiny players that remain. Nobody knows me and that's fine. I never aspired to be anything more than an average player.
There are a large group of players like me who are hurting. Watching the game we've loved to play for 10 years get worse and worse over the years. The player count is dwindling and the game is no longer fun to play.
I'm going to speak from my point of view only. It may not align with everyone's view so I will not speak for them.
The number 1 issue i have with the game right now is it is too hard and too complicated for the average player and even for some hardcore players. Raids are a prime example of this. Raids in Destiny 1 were straight forward, and didnt require overlapping communications and overly complicated mechanics with unrealistic time limits. They were still challenging enough but simple enough the understand. Your build and light level mattered more than knowing unnecessarily complicated mechanics. I would run teaching raids everyday and loved taking new players through raids. In D2 the raids have become so complicated and require to much communication to do that average players will never be able to learn or reliably ay them. I completed the new raid and I still cant tell you how I did it. Trying to take new people through raids in d2 is nearly impossible to do in one session. People don't want to spend 6-7 hours getting frustrated trying to learn how to play. Which is also why the D2 community is far more toxic than the D1. KWTD should not be a thing. Raids are though most fun content in the game and more than the majority of your players aren't playing them because they of the above issues.
On the topic of being too hard, ive noticed over the years, that time limits are being used more and more often, which doesn't bother me, but most people play this game casually. Damage to the player has become outrageous. There are so many times where I'm dead instantly in harder content. Not everything needs to one shot a guardian. An enemy should not be fast, hit hard aaaaand have a ton of health. That is a huge taboo in game making.
These issues seem to add up to the last point I'm going to make. Our time is not respected. Wether it's repeating the same exotic mission 10 times for the episode quest line or making content diluted and longer, or so hard and complicated that it takes forever to play, people are starting to catch on to the fact that you are more concerned with controlling the amount of time we spend playing than delivering the best experience possible for the average player. Our time is constantly being nickle and aimed. It seems like you guys are asking yourselves, how can we waste as much time as possible and limit the amount of content we need to deliver.
Wrapping this up, I just want to say for the most part I love hard content, I love destiny and I consider myself a hardcore loyalist. But I have to admit we can no longer cater to the hardcore player. If we want to game to be successful, it has to be accessible to all players at all levels, meaning targeting the casual player. Content should be fun, accessible and completable in a timely manner. I would rather run a raid 4 times in a night than spend an entire night and not complete it once.
That's all I have, I hope this at least gets read. I miss having fun in this game. I miss playing all my favorite content. Be nice and be constructive if you have an opinion.
You had me until the “this game is too hard” stuff. The current game is so casual and easy. Other than contest content, there’s not much that an average skilled player with a proper build can’t just walk through with ease. It would be hard to believe that you were a D1 player if you think the current game is hard.