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Destiny 2

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2/5/2025 8:14:32 PM

Radiant dance machines are awesome for hipfire builds. But broken in terms of full dodge on kill.

Dear Bungie. I like radiant dance machines but people will probably complain about it because of a big issue the dodge on kill part of the exotic. I can see the dodge on kill part of this exotic being nerfed but please don't nerf the hipfire bonuses. It makes last word actually good and I'm actually considering using my prophet or the grasp of avarice scout which I can't remember the name of. I like to hipfire as it allows me to be more mobile while in gunfights. So surviving is less about doing more damage and more about movement. Hipfiring is not the best on every weapon (you aren't gonna hipfire a smg or high rpm weapons. But the ones that focus around hipfire really work great with this. I know the full dodge on kill is broken but everything else about this I love. Im excited for the tex mechanical amor origin trait that's coming with frontiers as that boosts your hipfire capabilities too. So if you are gonna change the hipfire I'm hoping you'll wait until then or at least don't get rid of that aspect completely. My playstyle is Definitely a small part of the people who play this game. But I really like this and I hope we get more tex mechanica weapons in the future. Signed -probably one of the only people who likes hipfiring over ads in video games. P.S. Boondoggle is fun as well and good job to whom designed it. It's like a brother to the huckleberry.

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