Hey everybody, I’ve had the bungie name “ORYX’S ONE INCH WORM” for almost 2 years now. I never used to report issues with the game, but recently I reported 2 separate issues. Shortly Following my reports my account name was changed. Which doesn’t make sense because my name doesn’t violate the name guidelines. So as a person who loves this game, it feels like I’m being punished for trying to improve the game and resolve issues. I might just completely drop the game at this point. Please at least give me a name change because it’s not fair that I’m stuck with “Guardian” and some stupid numbers for at least another year.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 3/4/2025 10:06:46 PMEdit: im stupid ignore that. That name breaks CoC. If you have another token you can change it to something that doesn't break CoC.