I recently found an application that you can buy off of steam called lossless scaling that let's you use generated frames and ai upscaling on all gpus it doesn't do anything with game code it just takes the game output and adds whatever settings you turned on and i was wondering if i tried using this would it be against tos i would prefer an employee that i could quote on saying it's fine incase battle eye flags it or someone who has a full understanding of the tos
It's absolutely fine. A lot of people use it. It doesn't do anything at all to your game or it's files. No hooks, no tampering with any files whatsoever.
"Generating frames" is a big red flag for any online multiplayer game... It means you can potentially insert whatever in what a player actually sees on his screen while playing.
Bungie security does not monitor the forums, so nobody here can give you a “yes” or “no” answer. All you can do is review the ban policy for yourself at http://bungie.net/ban. If you do decide to use that software, then you do so at your own risk. Destiny 2 bans are permanent, so please take that into consideration.
Until you get an official response from someone, I recommend erring on the side of caution and not using it; just to be safe.