I wokeup this morning to see that my account name was changed AGAIN because of crossplay. The last time it changed my name I just changed it back to my normal name however as this is the second time it has happened I cannot change it and am stuck with Guardian0312. This is actually infuriating as I only play on steam and there should be no reason why there is any crossprogression on my account. Please help me get my name back.
Edited by EckyThump: 3/12/2025 4:04:22 PMHey there. When your name gets reported, reviewed by Bungie, and reset by them as a code of conduct violation, that cross-play message is what you see in-game. It is misleading, but there is no dedicated message for 'your name got moderated'. Your name was manually reset, it wasn't by or because of cross-play. As your first name got moderated and you just set it back to the same, that's why it got moderated again. If you no longer have any name changes, unfortunately you are stuck with the current one unless Bungie gives out an additional one to everyone.
The message is generic, pick a different name that doesn't get censored.