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Dear Bungie!
Hackers / unknown people taking advantage of linking platform accounts and playing FREE without owning the game!
Also making real owners vulnerable to BAN by Misconducting, Cheating and Impersonating.
Not sure if you need it but we have a suggestion!
Yet for sure we need your help to keep playing our beloved Destiny.
Would be really helpful contacting directly to any of your responsible personnal but couldn't find any way to do that or any Account Recovery System :(
Bungie please look into this it’s absolutely crazy and horrible to say the least
[quote]Dear Bungie! Hackers / unknown people taking advantage of linking platform accounts and playing FREE without owning the game! Also making real owners vulnerable to BAN by Misconducting, Cheating and Impersonating. Not sure if you need it but we have a suggestion! Yet for sure we need your help to keep playing our beloved Destiny. Would be really helpful contacting directly to any of your responsible personnal but couldn't find any way to do that or any Account Recovery System :([/quote] Your account security is your responsibility.
Edited by Hassassin: 3/14/2025 1:18:11 PMDear Bungie! according to your guide: [quote]Players who can't authenticate connected platform accounts will have to contact their platform's support to try and gain access to the account. If that isn't successful, players may want to unlink their connected accounts they have access to and link them to another Bungie profile.[/quote] We are not able to do that as well because of inability to deactivate crosssave :( Please Bungie before removing the unlinking forever from 25th, give us the 1 click diactivation or unlinking based on our crededntials (verified email or mobile sms).
and now this coming from Bungie: http://www.-blam! You'll not be able to unlink atall ever after the dateline without solving the existing problems :( Hope Bungie will provide something to resolve these kind of issues
Bungie doesn't store our login information. What you are requesting is outside of what they themselves can do.
You didn't buy the extended warranty and he got butthurt
Edited by Hassassin: 3/12/2025 9:29:07 PMWhen I was writing this someone else is playing my game from somewhere in this planet lol My gamer tag for steam (which is my primary) is Hassassin and my Bungie name is Hassassin#2085 Someone named "nulled019" is playing my game from (probably xbox) where I don't have any account! How do I know? I found "nulled019" for xbox is visible to my Destiny2 profile. Checked my linked a/cs and saw that a/c is linked for which I don't have any access or did authorise. Time to time checking Game progress from and seeing activities not by myself :( PLEASE BUNGIE help us from cheaters