I am writing to report a serious security issue with my Bungie account. I only play Destiny 2 via Steam and have never used the Epic Games platform. However, I was recently informed by a friend that someone accessed my account via Epic Games and was using it to cheat in PvP mode with low-level gear.
As soon as I learned about this, I logged into the game through Steam to forcefully remove the unauthorized user. Following this, I immediately changed my Steam password and updated the email address linked to my Bungie account.
However, I cannot unlink the unauthorized Epic Games account from my Bungie account, as I do not know who linked it. The unauthorized user is still attempting to log into my account, and I am unable to disable cross-save or unlink the Epic Games account myself.
Bungie will not forcefully remove an account for you. Account security is our responsibility. You can ask Epic for help, but they won't give you the details to that account, and they will just send you back to Bungie. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done.