Hello all,
Earlier today, Bungie published some updates regarding Platform Account Unlinking and some changes that are happening starting March 25th, 2025. Please see the following :
[quote]We have an important update regarding account linking on Bungie.net. For a time now, we have allowed players to link multiple authentication methods to a single Bungie.net profile. We will continue to allow linking accounts in this manner, but we are taking away the option to unlink an account once it's been linked to your Bungie ID. The only exception will be Twitch.
We are targeting March 25, 2025, to make these changes. Players will only have until this date to swap out and/or unlink platform accounts they do not want connected to their Bungie.net account.
Our goal is to protect the integrity of our players' accounts, simplify certain security systems, prevent fraud, and limit activities that go against our Terms of Service.[/quote]
[b]Full article here :[/b][url]https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/35597981889300-Notice-Bungie-net-Account-Unlinking-Update-on-March-25-2025[/url]
[b]Update 3.25.25 -- [/b]
Now as of 3.25.25, the update has been complete and you can see in your Bungie.net User Profiles for Gaming/Platform Accounts. See Bungie's Article linked above for any additional information. This thread may be locked soon.
Locking this thread as the update has been pushed out. If you have any additional questions, make a new thread in the Help Forum.
I'm in scenario 5. I have an older steam account I stopped using long ago, and have a newer one with all my games and such. I bought silver 45 days ago. I can't disable cross save now. When was this announced, and was it announced before the 90 days cutoff? Why is there a timer? I having a hard time understanding why I have given you money and that actively screws me? This is frankly ridiculous, I've supported this company since the first halo. Honestly, I am debating just dropping destiny for my family after this. We were going to switch to PC after this gen, but I'm not running 2 accounts on steam.
Edited by fl4kk3r: 3/24/2025 7:24:53 PMHello! Back in January I unlinked my original Bungie Account from my Steam, as I thought I would have to use my steam for business purposes. As it turns out, it was unnecessary. I can still play on my PS5 for now as I wait for the 90 day period to elapse before relinking my account to my steam. But I am concerned with this unlinking stoppage as I would prefer to play on my PC. I just wanted to get some clarification that I'll be able to relink my original account (PS5) to my Steam account again on 4/30 (when the 90 days is up) and if there was anyway possible to get in touch with someone who could relink them early. I understand that would be a courtesy and I don't mind waiting the time out if necessary, but PC is my preferred platform and it would be a major inconvenience if I was unable to play my main account on steam anymore. Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this!
Edited by LandoMando: 3/24/2025 4:57:07 PMHi, I'm looking to move my destiny account from my parents' Xbox/Microsoft account to my personal one but I can't seem to find steps or if it's even possible. I haven't enambled cross play yet so hopefully that makes things easier? I also currently only have the one xbox account linked to my bungie account. Also, would I have to repurchase all the DLC's since it's a new Xbox account or are they linked to the bungie account instead?
In order to change my psn I disabled cross-save. Ok, I don't really need it anymore. Here is my question: My main character is on playstation. Can I log in with my steam account, unlink my psn an link my new psn without loosing all my progress? I'm playing on this account since 2015 and my son took over my psn... Pleas help cause I'm really afraid of losing all my achievements. Thanks!
Is there anyway to completely remove the save data from stadia from my account as I changed a setting on there and it is affecting my ability to have any voice interactions in game with anyone. i have done all of the possible troubleshooting having to do with audio already and none of it has worked. I feel like this needs to be done on your end at this point as stadia is no longer listed as an active connection in the current state of the website.
If I started D2 on an XBOX one and would like to move my primary account to PS5 can that be done?
If I deactivate cross-platform savings, will the remaining slivers from my other platforms disappear?
I sincerely hope that I can unlink on the 25th even if it's at 12am hopefully before the changes. Because that's when my 90 days is up. Damn it Bungie.
So i created it on ps4 back ahwile ago. Now on the ps5. Linked it with crossplay years ago towards steam and a unused xbox account in case i get a xbox? After reading im kinda confused how it works. (Im stupid yes) Do we need to unlink something before 25th of march?? Wich platform will bungie make the primary account for me after 25march? The psn? xbox? Steam account? If i am created kr am playing on ps5 and did cross save accros steam and xbox?(wich as said is deperate from link/unlinking above) am i still fine?? If it is about account linking and unlinking or transfering stuff i panick alot. In case i screw up.
I would like to know what would happen to my save data for destiny 1 if I unlinked my xbox account, then linked it to my "main" account. Long story short, this account is what I used for D1, and for whatever reason I made and used a different bungie account for D2. It has been way too long to remember why I did that. Even though I don't play D1 anymore, I would like to keep my progress in case I ever want to revisit. My problem comes from the fact that this bungie account uses my actual xbox account, and I would like to link it with my main bungie profile instead because it seems like I won't be able to after this change goes through. I have invested way more into D2 so if there is no other option other than losing my D1 saves I will probably go through with it. But I'd like to have some more information before I do it.
how do i deactive a steam account i deleted to put the correct steam account on?
Edited by Hassassin: 3/17/2025 3:31:24 PMVery elaborated info btw thnx BUT this action will not solve some issues on which (players security) Bungie is emphasising. Before announcing this messege - Bungie could have offer a fresh setup for cross save and linking - could have solved some of the security (!) problems we're having already. Instead Dear Bungie is leting us know - WE ARE UNABLE TO HELP YOU SOLVING PROBLEM WITH US, STICK WITH YOUR PROBLEMS FOREVER - WE'RE CLOSING THE DOOR TO ALOW YOU TO DO NEW MISTAKES AND TO ASK US TO SOLVE ANY PROBLEM - BECAUSE WE ANNOUNCED IT ALREADY. If you can't help us on problem with Bungie.net profile - give full right to the account holder sorry profile holder to do as they want to update or keep it as it is. Everyone has a primary platform to play for an example Destiny2 either Steam or any other and most players picked 1 platform to continue because DLC (seasons excluded) is not made available to play with cross saves - you have to buy it for any other platform seperately. So could have disabled linking entirely where there's no DLC bought instead stoping unlinking. I know many (have already experianced) will come up with Bungie said that and there's notices etc avoiding a core lacking in Bungie support system as a whole! Probably this is time to go check with SONY regarding problems with Bungie now?
Edited by MrDrLeaveYou: 3/16/2025 2:35:08 PMScenario 7, your main account is stadia, you have deleted your steam account and support will not help you in any way. I want to unlink everything except my epic account, but I cant. Not only I cannot deactivate my cross save because of the deleted steam account as it cannot be authenticated and bungie can easily check that yes ... in fact the account is gone. But if I were to do so I would lose my account. And not just the characters as bungie put it, if that was it I would be happy to sacrifice my characters as long as I would keep my vault, collection and triumphs I have made a support ticket about this and many issues on my account including dissapearing preorder ornaments and I have been told to go kick rocks even tho bungie is the only one with the power to fix my issue. I have lots of issues that can be only fixed by support and personally I have had enough of it, that's why I stopped playing D2. Support are unwilling to help even tho they are the only ones that can. Really sorry but I have never seen worse customer support.
Edited by tyfune: 3/17/2025 7:58:34 PMThanks for the post btw, I just had an issue with this in which I believe my steam account for destiny 2 was hijacked. My tag (tyfune#6935) still exists so I know my account wasnt merged, but everytime I load up steam im logged into someone elses account. I have steam silver recipts to prove it is my account, but I cant seem to find anyone that can help me, the account that im "logged into" has crossave on with my account tyfune#6935 under it and I cant disable it unless the person with the email reliquishes it. Any and all help is welcomed Thank you.
Edited by Daratheon: 3/17/2025 11:41:20 PMSo i'm just screwed since i need to switch my psn accounts but cant due to cross save not being able to be turned off due to me buying silver on one account recently. I was waiting for it to go out then unlink but bungie has decided to give me only a two or so weeks notice. thanks i'm literally being punished for supporting the company.
Edited by Kunai: 3/17/2025 7:56:22 PMsffas
Edited by Mazza: 3/16/2025 3:49:52 PMThe PlayStation account that is linked to my Destiny got hacked and is now in debt. I am unable to unlink it. I've contacted PlayStation support, and they can't do anything. They told me that you guys should be able to unlink it.
Edited by Evaze: 3/15/2025 11:49:34 PMI have a similar kind of question as some of the other comments. I want to link another steam account to my cross-save, but have to wait 16 more days to authenticate my Xbox to be able to unlink (because I bought silver) Will I still be able to add the new steam account to cross save after March 25th? Xbox was my main platform.
Hello I have a question, I have cross save enabled but I want to disable it and unlink my steam account but i can't because I'm in a 51 day cooldown, is their nothing I can do here?
I have 600 hard earned Silver left in my Stadia account. Who do I contact to get that transferred to my Playstation account? Thanks
So I have 18 days left before I can enable cross save so I won’t be able to re-enable it before the March 25 deadline, the characters I have on my steam should transfer to the accounts I have currently linked to my bungie ID correct? What if I had other Xbox/playstation profiles linked in the past? Will they remain on those past profiles that are no longer linked to my bungie ID, or will they transfer to the profiles that are currently linked to the bungie ID even though I haven’t reenabled cross save yet. Like I have the profiles I want the characters on currently linked but won’t be able to reenable cross save for 18 days so do my characters go to the new linked profiles or stay with old ones?
I'm on a "68 days left" cooldown because I keep forgetting about the cool down and buy silver. What course of action has been set in place to solve this issue that I am sure a majority of the community is a part of? Am I and others in a similar situation stuck with having accounts linked because we decided to spend money and unable to disable cross-save?
Edited by Thy Maker: 3/14/2025 11:18:23 PMI just unlinked my old Epic Games account and I had to deactivate Cross Save to do so as I have not turned it off in a long time. The [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/35597981889300-Notice-Bungie-net-Account-Unlinking-Update-on-March-25-2025t]article[/url] I was reading mentioned nothing about the 12/24/24 deadline and I am only now seeing it here as I type this. I completly forgot about the 90 day lockout when I went through with the changes. My account information is tied to my Xbox which I do not have anymore so I am completly barred from playing Destiny at all. Is there any possibility that the 90 day lockout can be removed as a one time thing?
Supporting Bungie since 2007 - old
I tend to try and stay positive with news from Bungie, but this is absolute -blam!-. The fact that I am now forever barred from removing MY accounts because of an arbitrary deadline that cannot be removed for players before this 03/25/2025 date is pure, unadulterated -blam!-.