i sold my xbox en delete my xbox acount how do i unlink it now from steam still ask me for password and email, is there a other why how to unlink it or can bungie do it ??
Hi there, Thank you for reaching out. To be able to remove any account from your Cross Save setup, you must be able to authenticate it. If you cannot, then unfortunately the account in question will remain linked to Cross Save. Further, as Bungie entrusts players with the security and management regarding linking their accounts, we do not unlink any accounts on players' behalf. Thus, you would need to reach out to the support team for the related platform (in this case Xbox) for potential assistance with the account in question. For more information about Cross Save and its intricacies, please consult our [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide]Cross Save Guide[/url].
[quote] can bungie do it ??[/quote] No. If Xbox support can't restore the account or help you recover access then nothing can be done.