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Edited by caboose510: 3/20/2025 10:39:09 PM

Warlocks have 0 days won so far in Guardian Games

Why aren't the other 15 of you dunking medals? Seriously though, is anyone surprised by the results so far? Do you think that this is an indicator of the state of Destiny for Warlock mains?

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  • What do you expect when rdm isn't addressed at all. Nightstalker still being busted for over 4yrs now and Titans running rampant with overshield spam or sit in the back with bolt charge still. All I get on my team is turret bots!

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  • As a warlock main I can safely say I don't care about guardian games especially the do pvp quest the loot isn't worth my time either.

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    • I'm someone who plays all 3 classes. Warlocks are universally s*** on if they have anything close in power to titans. Yea, they have effective builds. Honestly though, warlocks are just in the game to make ammo and put down a well in team scenarios. Hunters have always had the largest population.

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    • Edited by reykon2000: 3/25/2025 12:15:04 AM
      Bungie is using an algorithym to make it look fair but who cares. The fact they are using one and calling it "guardian games" makes no sense.

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    • I think the issue is that the titan arc barricade exists and all of the new game play loops suit it perfectly. Pvp will always be hunters game. Warlocks were eating good last season. Its just swings and roundabouts at the end of the day. Us warlocks are happy with participation trophies........

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    • Not surprised at all. For how strong and fun Arc Warlock is right now, Arc Titan is so much stronger Bolt Charge has elevated Arc Titan to the top of the PvE meta. And titans are eating well in PvP too. And Hunter has been and likely will continue to be the most used class for active PvP players by a massive margin. So yeah. Makes sense.

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    • Edited by hazyy-_-hoppz76: 3/21/2025 12:15:50 PM
      There’s no place for class vs class in this game. They are not equally balanced classes AT ALL. I guarantee Hunters would have and will win every one if it wasn’t rigged.

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      3 Replies
      • Edited by Darklord5351: 3/21/2025 8:11:32 PM
        No matter how many medals we deposit, we can’t compare to the amount of both hunter and titan mains. It tells you that warlock are underperforming compared to other classes. We dont have game breaking builds. We used to dominate pve but, not anymore. Despite, all the setbacks we still play warlocks because we are loyal to our class.

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        • Warlocks definitely need some tweaking. You can see it for example in end game content where Bungie has been pushing the difficulty so much that some staple of the Warlock, Well of Radiance, has became a joke. In GM we got wiped in the well by just a couple add and a yellow bar. Meanwhile, a Titan with a sword and stronghold can just withstand a nuclear blast and a full army.

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        • I think I speak for everyone when I say the Revelry was a better Spring event.

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          • I’m not surprised at the results because Guardian Games is really dumb. Bungie has to keep adjusting the weighting to give the appearance of a competition. People also play more than one class. It’s not an indicator of anything.

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            • Edited by Klaus_Reaper (Adept): 3/23/2025 9:06:13 PM
              The most popular class is hunters and titans, (i play all classes), bungie hates warlocks....everytime they get something nice... it get destroyed (im looking at you nova warp).. everytime a warlock get hot, people cry and they demolish the cruxible is the worst class, and when you see those very agile warlocks mopping the floor at ultra speed they are cheaters, warlock sucks at crucible.

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            • Hunters are the basic class and titans have the “most op thing” right now in storms keep. So honestly it checks out 🤷🏻‍♂️ Would I like warlocks to win? Of course. It’s why I only turn in medals on my warlock. But such is life.

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            • I played only the supremacy needed to get plat each week. Try to run a Rushdown or two each day, and complete plat bounties running other activities. I have only been looking for one weapon in the rewards, Taraxipos with a better roll than the one that I got last year. So far, no luck, and I honestly dont expect that I will get it. RNG weapon drops during events suck all of the life out of them when you never get what you are trying to get, that it makes me not even want to try. I cant play PvP Supremacy with my friends who are not Warlocks, so if we have more than 3 clan players on at a time, we cant do either of the GG modes. The fact that class items are required also is a big miss, since it rules out any builds with exotic class items for the event.

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            • We are not trying, it is not worth it. The game has disrespected us enough.

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              • I'm a pve Warlock main. This is my 2nd Guardian Games since I started playing Destiny. I've done the Rushdown warmup a few times. I really enjoy being able to go up against bosses I've never had a chance to play before. I got to play against Gaul (at least I think it was him from Shadowkeep.) I looked at the plain Rushdown and decided I wasn't interested. There are too many negative modifiers for my preferences at this time. I do want to do more Rushdown warmup (hopefully tomorrow). I'm hoping to get a few more challenges to be able to get the Reveler seal. Over these last 2 Guardian Games, my overall impression is that it's targeted towards the higher skilled players. Solstice, Festival of the Lost, and Dawning could be completed and feel successful to the average player without having to step into higher difficulty content. It just took some grinding and determination. Games feels like my little bronze medallions don't make much of a difference when you see others depositing silver, gold, or platinum's. See you around fellow Warlocks!

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                • Titans are the casual player meta in GM’s. And hunters are dominating PvP. Warlocks out there just being warlocks. I’m cool with it. I would rather some of the warlock builds go under the radar over facing the nerf hammer that the titans and hunters are facing.

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                • 0

                  FREELANCE or bust - old

                  Bungie > you do not want a Warlock riot on you hands How it will go down: Warlocks orderly protest... all 36 of us in the game.. Signs with excellent handwriting - worthy criticsms... Meanwhile, Titans set up barricades along the road and at Bungie HQ... they are Bolt Charge Ready and crayon hangry.. And of course.. as us Warlocks are bunched up together.. rift, well or not.. a despicable hunter shoots 1 cloudstrike shot that takes us all out... yeah.. you'll have a massive lawsuit on your hands from the survivors!! :)

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                  • I just don’t care about GG at all.

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                    Everyone chooses hunter because of the name. It sounds cooler than Warlock, so every noob picks it and doesn't know how to stay alive as one. Warlocks are the minority, but by far the greatest survivalist and support class, and can dish out dps like you wouldn't believe. You never see anyone on lfg saying, hunter needed. They're always asking for the 15 of us. And yes I been dunking like Jordan.

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                    • Yeah, at this point bungie just needs to nerf warlocks

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                      • As a warlock main….ive taken a break because this game has lost all fun. Bungie hasn’t addressed balancing anything on PC between inputs and the event has been the same since its inception……so why waste my time to have a statue in the tower for a year.

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                      • [quote]Why aren't the other 15 of you dunking medals?[/quote]Honestly, I just CBA.

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                      • Gaurdian Games is rigged. Last year when Hunters won they lost the first 2 weeks by a massive margin then just barely won the final week but won the event. Same as the last time warlocks won, they won a single week and the other classes also each won a week but warlocks still won the event. Same as when titans last won. Everyone get a win, its one class one year and then they wont win until every other class is at equal wins.

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                      • Unfortunately we kinda suck in Supremacy and get totally run over in matches. We're still good in pve and can put out high damage numbers as Warlocks won the rushdown boss event Bungie had.

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                      • Warlocks are maybe the best all round class in the game

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