So you know how I mentioned that I was going to get my friends over for the Chinese GP? Well, I ended up being partially ghosted after I had let one of them know about the plan. Said she was going to let everyone know, but no one ended up showing up. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
Sorry bro. Though, to be honest, are they really your friends if they didn’t at least give an excuse?
Consult f3, he's an f, maybe he can help.
Sounds like you need to turn your enemies into lovers.
Are they even interested in F1? I couldnt get me ex to watch it until she felt left out during races and drive to survive and eventually just sat down, watched it and somehow got into it a bit. Also, you might not have been wrong about Lewis. I'll never understand how he could go to ferrari though - outside of the prestige and heritage. It seems to be a horrible expereince over there; they have no humor, the race engineers are always garbage and barely speak English and they mess up so often. I do like Vasseur though and they can obvisouly make cars but the rest of the organisation is just 1/10.
That's because they didn't want to look inferior, what with your good looks, charming personality and a maturity level beyond junior high. Their loss.
🤔 I mean I'd rather miss Shanghai than Suzuka, COTA, Monza, or Silverstone. No offense to the Chinese. And I'd take it over Paul Ricard. But I'm just not a fan of the track.
Know the feeling, it sucks... Gotta stay positive.
I'm sorry to hear no one showed. 😔 It would have been a good race for "newbies".
I don’t currently follow racing but I plan on starting. I think cars are cool
Wait You have friends who follow F1? I know nothing of the rest of what you're talking about.