[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost
If I had an army... - 100GP - Bring all 4 Hunters, every Elite other than the Banshee pilots, Rtas Vadum, Sergeant Johnson, and the 2 marine captives to the control room on Great Journey.
It would be death - 50GP - Bring all possible allies to the Tartarus fight
Brotherhood - 100GP - Bring all possible allies to the Tartarus fight and stop the second group of Elites from charging at Tartarus. Get them in the Spectre, send Hunters to the ledge, position beam rifle Spec Ops Elites on their flanks, and equip the 2 Councilors and Rtas with swords and get them to attack Tartarus.
Bodyguards - 50GP - Get 2 Hunters in the ending cutscene
Crowds and rabbles - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with Plasma Pistols and have them attack Tartarus up close.
Swords and daggers - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with the Energy Sword and have them attack Tartarus.
Rocks and pebbles - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with the Beam Rifle or Carbine and have them attack Tartarus.
Fervent dereliction - 10GP - Have your allies kill Tartarus for you
Theory of absolution - 10GP - Betray your allies, help the Brutes
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k
kill rtas vadamee with the sword he swaps for you[/quote]Is that even possible?
How about an achievement for killing Sesa before he goes in the Banshee? Halopedia says that he can be killed by pushing him off to a lower platform.[/quote]my bad, forgot the main characters are invincible. Was thinking of the time I killed captain keys in HALO C.E lol." you have to find ammo, I don't keep it loaded..."
how do you get the hunters to the control room?
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