What are the things that if a politician / political party supports (or doesn't) you simply wont vote for them?
This could quickly become a flame war, so I'm going to ask people to try and be respectful of others views, even when you might see them as ignorant and harmful. Please at least try to play nice.
somewhat off-topic here, but whenever a politician is asked about why x figure isn't as high as they said it was gonna be and they answer with 'let me remind you exactly how bad a state the country was in when the last lot left office...' i switch off completely. if you do that you are a disgrace. OT: opposing gay marriage? no vote from me. or pretty much anything that violently disagrees with my views.
I don't align myself to any politician or political party. I see myself as a liberal, however, I don't respect or have any trust in any 'liberal' politician in England.
anyone who wants to increase censorship of anything. anyone who supports heavy firearm regulations/taking away guns. anyone who doesn't understand the issues they talk about.
People against Nuclear Power lose my vote
Edited by Llama: 1/17/2013 12:57:32 PMI live in the UK, I'm able to vote, but young, so I'm not familiar with many parties pledges etc. I feel that the government I would want in power fights for what is best for the country, not for their party. I want them: Pro: - Police FORCE and not Police SERVICE (If you know what I mean) - Less Nanny State ideals - Less breaking of promises (i.e. Uni prices NOT going up) etcetcet
Edited by SuperIrish: 1/17/2013 6:36:24 PM-Any compulsory religious laws supported/proposed (e.g. compulsory praying) -Any discriminatory laws proposed/supported (No BNP, then) -An increase in military spending (I have no gripes with defense of your country, but not to defend your country on another countries ground, and a developed country in a war today with another would likely cause a nuclear war) -Anything that would oppose or restrict human rights. These would make me choose a different party to support. At the moment, I don't support any or care too much yet.
-Raising taxes -Raising spending -Abortion. How barbaric is it that a civilized nation still conducts absurd practices like this? -Against second amendment And others I can't think off the top of my head
-Creationism -If they're against abortion -Racism -Communism - Fascism - If they're against free health care - (monarchy) These are the ones that popped up in my mind atm. There are probably more.
Too many for me to be bothered to list.
Restriction of personal liberties based solely on religion. Basic lack of economic understanding.
Honestly, My main issues are the cutting of foreign aid, Britain getting an exit from the EU and cutting immigration. I would say I full support UKIP, but I am pro same sex marriage, and UKIP is set against it. Can't have it all I guess.
No political party making serious attempts to criminalise abortion would get my vote unless the alternative was, like, legalising slavery.
- Anti-evolution. - Anti-equality. - For lax gun laws. - For removal of the PBS. - Is religious to the point at which it would interfere with political decisions. - I also agree with Random's point on "for the removal of secular governance."
I will never vote for... -Abortion Support, HHS Mandate Style. As for abortion's legalization, I don't like it, but there's nothing that can be done to change it now. -Big Government. The faster the feds get out of my life the better. -Strict European style Gun Control. -Censorship of ANY media. I don't care how stupid, radical, angry, or racist they are, they still deserve a voice. -Forced Secularism, or forced removal of all traditional religious references. (EX: Swearing on a bible, "One nation, under God", illegalization of circumcision) -Extreme hatred of internet piracy. I get some, because the industry needs its money to continue, but some people and countries take it way too far.
I immediately consider anyone who opposes gay marriage (in any form) to be an idiot.
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 1/16/2013 10:25:03 PMAbortion. How such barbarism manages to exist in civilized countries I have no idea. I imagine people in 50-100 years will look back on it with as much contempt as we regard slavery.
Anti-abortion Heavily pro-gun Climate change denial Evolution denial Lolbertarian economics Social conservatism In favour of abandoning secular governance Anti-LGBT Pro death penalty
Can't support if any of the following: -Anti-equality -Bigoted -Anti-science -Fascist -Horse and sparrow economics -Neoliberal (ie most of the above)
Ugly Women. Ugly wife = No confidence. Can't trust that man with power.
I generally don't care about politics
Edited by George S Patton: 1/17/2013 4:07:06 AMAbortion is a big one, as well as military funding Also gay marriage
Almost everything the Republicans stand for I don't agree with.
Edited by car15: 1/17/2013 1:44:10 AMFor abortion. For media censorship. Vocally against same sex marriage. For gun bans. (Like Gaara444 I am in favor of greater restrictions on gun ownership, but not an outright ban.) Against civil rights. All private citizens should be allowed to conduct their lives in their own way so long as they are not harming others and everything is consensual. My feelings on marijuana are mixed but it's no more harmful than heavy drinking, which [i]maaaaaany[/i] Americans do, and making it illegal violates civil rights. There are certainly things you should be legally prohibited from doing while high (like driving) but I don't think marijuana itself should be illegal. Having said that, I don't use it, I don't advocate its use, and I have no particular interest in pushing for its legalization.
Just one that is coherent and doesnt vote for party but for whats best for the country. Still havent found one yet worth voting for, its sad
-For legalization of Marijuana. -For Certain firearm bans (I'm all in favor of gun control, but no outright ban on certain guns). -For Same Sex Marriage. -For cutting Military Spending. All of these are immediate deal breakers. If I see a candidate support these they're off my "To vote for" list.
Edited by M37h3w3: 1/17/2013 2:09:49 AMCensoring media. Jim Crow laws. Trying to force everyone to abide by their religious standards. Holding a single man and his policies above those of the people who voted you into office. Batshit insane stupidity. God, it sounds like I just named the Republican party.