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8/29/2009 10:31:41 AM
I love writing this... [b]Part Six - Assessment[/b] Zharn took a long look at the fortress below him, and sighed wearily. Many humans guarded the fortifications, armed and deadly. Active camouflage could only go so far, and the humans did have heat vision technology. Somewhat irritatingly, the camouflage systems actually [i]radiated[/i] heat, rather than masking it. "I take it you have a plan." sounded a familiar voice from behind, making Zharn jump. The edge of the cliff crumbled procariously, causing rock to tumble down to the snow covered gorge below. "How long have you been following me Ahkrin?" Zharn asked dispassionately, not bothering to turn around. This prompted a laugh from the Stealth Sangheili, and Zharn heard the sound of a stealth system deactivating. "Since you left the outpost." "Did you see any other survivors?" "Nay, I did not. So, answer my original question. Do you have a plan?" Zharn sighed, and shrugged. Finally, he turned around and faced Ahkrin. The sight of the Sangheili made Zharn wince. Whilst Ahkrin may have survived the brutal massacre at the outpost, he had not emerged unscathed; a great, ugly scar ran down the side of his face. It looked raw, and painful. "Ah, you noticed my momentum of our encounter with the infidels." Ahkrin commented sardonically, perhaps a little too much so. Stealth operatives could be very cold at times. "How did it happen?" "A human bullet caught me with my shields down; it was all I could do to quickly activate them before it penetrated further." "I'm certain your thick skull would have protected you Ahkrin. "Very amusing Zharn, I'll remember that next time you ask me to save your life." "Save [i]my[/i] life? If I recall correctly, it was I who rescued you from the barrel of a human shotgun back upon Harvest." "And I have rescued you a hundred times since then. Now let us stop bickering like old Councillors, and focus our attention on saving Sorran." Ahkrin reminded Zharn, ending the argument. "I take it you've already scouted the area." Zharn stated. It wasn't a question. "Ah, sometimes I think you know me a little too well brother. Yes, I have scouted." "And?" Zharn pressed. "And what?" Ahkrin replied, and Zharn clenched his jaw in annoyance. "Why must you always be so difficult Ahkrin? What have you discovered?" "Details are very important my friend. Now, to the east of the base, there is a ventilation shaft I noticed. It's a tight fit, but I'm sure with our shields down, we can fit. It should lead us directly inside." Ahkrin explained, and Zharn frowned. "And what do we do once we are inside the belly of the best?" he asked concerned, and Ahkrin smiled. "We improvise. Do not question Zharn, I am the expert of infiltration here. You can try a frontal assault if you wish, I'm sure you'll provide an ample distraction to make my job easier. That is, until you die." Zharn grimaced, and shook his head. "Dying isn't one of my priorities as of now. We shall try your plan, there is no other way." "There's always another way Zharn; finding it is the real challenge." Zharn merely grunted in response to the Stealth Sangheili's frosty demeanour, and checked the battery of his plasma rifle of a way of reassuring himself. It was on 73% charge. Adaquete enough, he could recharge it later. "Let us waste no time, every moment we wait brings closer the chance of Sorran being killed. Lead on to this shaft Ahkrin." Surprisingly, Ahkrin merely shook his head. "No, not now. We shall wait until twilight before striking; the humans see poorly in the darkness, and so we will have the advantage." "Sorran is in danger Ahkrin! We do not take risks where our brothers are concerned." Zharn barked, not wishing to wait. "Are your brains addled? If the humans wanted Sorran dead, then he would be so. As it is, they seem to wish to question him. We have time enough, Zharn, to request reinforcements if we so wished it. Sorran would probably hold. But even I would not risk that, so we shall strike tonight." Ahkrin's rebuke stung Zharn, and he stared at the floor. "Very well, we shall wait. I but pray to the Forerunners that you are right Ahkrin." "When have I ever been wrong?" [Edited on 08.30.2009 4:15 AM PDT]

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