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Edited by Wolvers: 1/29/2013 9:20:08 AM

[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • "Yes sir, well, not this time. Do you know where the Elites went?" "That's a negative Spartan." "Well, if and when they come back, I'm going to hunt them down, and kill them...sir" the Spartan vowed. "I doubt you'll be able to distinguish them. An Elite is an Elite." Ackerson said, bored already. "Not so sir, I can tell the difference." "We'll see. You'd better go patch yourself up Spartan. Head down to the med bay" "Yes sir, Colonel Ackerson." the Spartan saluted one last time, with the hint of a mocking smile. Ackerson watched the man leave his room calmly, reclining back and taking a drink. He paused mid sip, and then froze. The Spartan had known his name! How? Impossible, no one here knew it. Ackerson would have to follow up on this later. He settled back down, troubled. Did the Spartan also know what his real reasons for being on Eridanus II were? ********************** [i]Immortal Repentance Infirmary[/i] Sorran looked around the room he was in. The aesthetics seemed to be of the Covenant. He sighed in relief. It was a small chamber, thick with the heavy smell of incense and medicine. Hunched in a corner was... "Prophet." Sorran wheezed out, intending to say more, but breaking into a coughing fit. The elderly San 'Shyuum turned around, a smile upon his wizened face. "Ah, you've awoken. Excellent. I was beginning to worry. My name is Convalescence." Sorran nodded weakly, and attempted to rise. Convalescence shuffled towards him and pressed Sorran down gently, despite the Sangheili's resistance. Sorran knew then he must have been as frail as a Huragok youngling, to be physically bested by a Prophet. The Elite looked down, and his eyes widened. "My clothes..." Sorran breathed, feeling the heat rise to his face. Convalescence nodded distractedly. "Yes, we had to remove them. Fear not, I shall have my acolyte fetch you some new attire momentarily. For now, drink this liquid, it shall restore some of your strength." The Prophet passed over a wooden mug, hand made by the look of it, and Sorran gratefully accepted it. He drank, and felt energy rush through his limbs. He gave his thanks to the Prophet, who was ordering his 'acolyte' via a communication array to bring up some clothes for him. "Where am I?" Sorran questioned of the Prophet, who smiled once again. He was very unlike the cold, haughty San 'Shyuum Sorran was used to seeing in the Great Library of High Charity. "Aboard the great vessel [i]Immortal Repentance.[/i]" Convalescence replied softly. The name sounded familiar to Sorran, and he realised that it was the name of the ship Zharn had requested reinforcements from before the outpost was attacked by the humans. They had never arrived. "Have you seen a Major named Zharn, and a Stealth Sangheili named Ahkrin around here, holy one?" Sorran questioned of the Prophet, who nodded. "Yes, they were here a few hours ago. They bid me to inform them once you had awoken, I shall ask an Unggoy to lead you to them soon, they sent me a runner but a short moment ago telling me they were in the armoury. And ah, here is Savara with you clothes." Convalescence noted, and Sorran turned his head towards the door. A young, pretty looking Sangheili female entered the room timidly, carrying a bundle of light garments. She looked around the room, and, noticing Sorran's nudity, flushed, turning away. "I'm sorry great ones, I should have knocked." Savara apologised softly. "Hmm? Ah, yes, think nothing of it my child. If anything, it is my fault, I should have given Sorran here a piece of material to cover himself with." Convalescence replied to the Sangheili aide, who nodded meekly. "Here are your clothes noble warrior." she said, pressing the bundle upon Sorran's chest. He caught her staring, and she gasped, blushing. She turned away, hurrying out the room. The Prophet chuckled. "I believe she was quite taken by you, young warrior. If you wish, I can introduce you properly, perhaps you can go for a meal or a stroll." the San 'Shyuum laughed, and now it was Sorran's turn to blush. He didn't, however, reply. Perhaps he would take up the Prophet's offer. "Could I trouble you for a hand to help me rise?" Sorran asked without thinking, and the Prophet shook his head. "Not unless you wished to have to nurse [i]me[/i] back to health Sangheili. I am not as young as I once would, and supporting your weight would no doubt tear me apart." Convalescence chided, and Sorran nodded, suddenly feeling foolish. He rose out of the makeshift bed himself, with effort, and pulled the soft, civilian clothes over his body. Strangely, he still felt naked without his armour on, which he had grown used to over the past few weeks. "Thank you holy one, for tending to me. Is there anyway I can repay you?" Sorran asked, and the Prophet chuckled. "Nay my son, all I ask is that you continue to do what's right for the Covenant. Now come, I shall see if I can find an Unggoy outside to lead you to your companions."

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