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10/18/2009 10:03:45 AM
This should give you an inkling of where this series is going. Prepare to be confused! [b]Part 14 - Factions within factions...[/b] [i]Two hours later.[/i] Zharn eyed the serving Unggoy in the restaurant with a look of distaste. He eyed everyone with a look of distaste. Ahkrin shared his distemper, not even bothering to crack an Unggoy waiter joke, as was his usual ritual. "I failed him." Zharn spoke with an echoing sadness, gazing into the wall on the other side of the room. "He was my friend; my student, per se, and I failed him." "No. Zharn my friend, it was not your fault. Don't ever think that." Ahkrin assured. "What happened to Sorran was mere bad luck." Zharn shook his head, still not facing Ahkrin. "I feel like I should be doing something. Perhaps I should appeal to the Prophet of Truth on his behalf." the Ultra mused, and Ahkrin barked sharply. "Ha! You would soon join Sorran on death row Zharn, and you know it. We've done all that we can. We shall meet Sorran again, as we all embark on the Great Journey." Ahkrin informed Zharn wisely, his voice grave. Zharn sighed, and shook his head. "Even as the Writ says, "The weight of heresy shall stay one's feet." There will be no journey for Sorran." the Ultra cracked, cupping his head in his hand with no small sorrow. Ahkrin grimaced; was there nothing he could do to set his friend's mind at rest? "I don't believe that. Sorran is no heretic. You know that to be true Zharn." the Stealth Sangheili assured the Ultra, who nodded slowly. "Yes. . .yes, you are right, of course. What must we do now? I have no wish to view Sorran's execution; I just want to forget about all of this." Zharn told Ahkrin. There was a pause. "As do I brother. We shall leave High Charity by dawn I think, Sorran would not want us to see him disgraced as he will be. Both you and I should meet back up with the [i]Immortal Repentance[/i], inform those he acquainted himself with there of his fate. Then we shall head back down, and continue our campaign against the humans." Ahkrin suggested, and Zharn smiled sadly, before replying in turn. "I think not even a thousand human deaths shall ease the pain you and I felt today, my brother. But yea, even as you say, we should do just that. Now come, let us order some food. I finally feel as if I won't spew it back up." *************** He was cold. Afraid. Lonely. These were but a few of the many troubles ailing Sorran as he hung nude in an ancient stone cell, deep within the dungeons of High Charity. Energy manacles suspended him in the air, preventing him from finding needed sleep. Not that he wanted to sleep. Every moment spent in the cell brought him a moment closer to his death. Sleep would but accelerate the punishment. Warm liquid fell down Sorran's cheeks. His first thought was that it was blood. As the liquid dripped to the floor below, and splashed against the stone floor, he realised it was in fact a salty drop of tears. Not blood at all, although the way Sorran had immediately jumped to the conclusion that it had been showed just how much he had begun to think like a warrior over the past...he didn't even know how long it had been. If only he had kept his position as Scholar in the Great Library, none of this would be happening right now. Sorran laughed bitterly, knowing that this shouldn't have happened even though he was now a warrior. No, this was Truth's fault. [i]Truth.[/i] The very thought of the Prophet sent revulsion down Sorran's aching spine. To think, he had once looked up to the Hierarch as a role model for life. Now he knew the reality; Truth was a monster. He took a look at the cell he was in. It was archaic, designed by the Sangheili shortly after the Great War they waged against the Prophets. The design was similar to those used upon Sangheilios; a thick set door, leading down to a stone, spiralling staircase with torches lighting the way. At the bottom was a simple circle, surrounded with stone walls. In the middle of this circle stood two pillars, each the same distance from one another. It was between these pillars that Sorran hung now, head held low. As Sorran was about to start a new wave of weeping, there was a bang at the top of the spiralling staircase above, most likely emitting from the door. Fear clenched Sorran's two hearts in a titan like grip; was he to be killed [i]already?[/i] Voices suddenly spoke. "This one is not to be approached, we have orders." a gruff growl stated. A Brute. The new prison wardens of High Charity. "I beg your pardon? Move aside, vile beasts. I shall go where I please." another voice replied. Harder to distinguish, but it sounded like either an elderly Sangheili, or a Prophet. There was another shake of the door, followed by an aggressive growl from a Brute. "The noble Prophet of Truth has commanded it that none should approach, Minister!" the Jiralhanae warden growled. Minister? Definitely a Prophet then. There was silence for a few dreadful seconds, and Sorran realised he was holding his breath. He let it out in disgust with himself. "If you knew what I did, I think you would not consider him to be so noble. Now let me past, or I shall call my Guard and have them run you through like the worthless cur you are." the Prophet threatened, and Sorran's eyebrows rose from where he hung suspended. It was not often that one of the San 'Shyuum would be so bold. The Brute growled indecisively from what Sorran could hear, before finally grunting in defeat. "You have five minutes." Sorran heard the heavy door above unlatch with a sickening resolution. Who was this Prophet who would threaten a Brute so? An interrogator perhaps? One chosen to take Sorran to his death? The door swung open, and Sorran heard the hum of a Gravity Chair chime as it descended down the stone staircase. Eventually, the chair reached the bottom, and an elderly Prophet wearing blue robes came into view, a thoughtful look upon his face. Strange, he seemed familiar...

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