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5/2/2010 5:53:16 PM
The hour was approaching midnight when the human voices broke through the night. Zharn drew out his rifle, and looked at Ahkrin, who had already engaged active camouflage, holding two knives in his hands. The Stealth Sangheili stalked off in the direction of the voices. Orpheus stood up slowly, drawing out his gravity manipulating hammer. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" the first human voice wondered. Zharn couldn't see the owners of the voices, but he could hear them quite clearly, and they were drawing closer. "You idiot, there could be Covenant out there!" the second chastised, sounding terrified. The first scoffed. "Don't be soft, the Covenant don't hide in forests. They're busy attacking the cities. There might by some UNSC Rangers out here though." "I hope so, I haven't eaten in days. Why does all the wildlife around here move so fast? Catching them is nearly impossible." "I told you we should have stopped by at the Armoury before leaving Capital City. Then we'd have guns to hunt with." "And get captured by the Covenant? No thanks, I enjoy living--" the second was suddenly cut off mid-sentence, breaking into a strangled shriek. The other let out a cry too, before being silenced. Thirty seconds later, Ahkrin strode back into the camp, camouflage fading and two pale faced, terrified humans held in both hands. With a snort of disgust, the Stealth Sangheili tossed the two pitiful looking beings at Zharn's feet. "What are you doing?" Zharn demanded of Ahkrin, who had already sat down in his previous seat again. "You're the commanding officer. You deal with them as you see fit." Zharn assessed the two humans grovelling before him, begging him not to kill them. "Humans, are you soldiers?" Zharn questioned, and he realised he felt a little sorry for these two. The two humans were frozen with shock, and didn't reply. Zharn drew out his sword, and they immediately began speaking. "N-no sir!" one piped, trembling. "We're just ordinary citizens. Please don't kill me, I don't want to die." "Yes, I imagine you don't," Zharn replied, sheathing his sword. "Ahkrin, give these two some food." The Stealth Sangheili's head shot up. "[i]What?[/i]" "[i]Food[/i], Ahkrin. I want you to give some to these two." "It's hardly a fitting last meal, Zharn." "Well that's okay, because I'm not killing them. They're not soldiers, and I don't harm innocents. Give them the food." Ahkrin looked as if he were about to argue, but then noticed Zharn's expression, one of compassion. Ahkrin then realised he was probably thinking about Sorran, who had attempted to save the human child from the Jiralhanae. Sighing, Ahkrin drew out the slabs of meat from a satchel and lowered the stasis field. He then wrapped them in some parchment he had, and tossed the small food parcels at the feet of the humans, who were staring at each other in disbelief. "Stand up, and get moving. Oh, and incidentally, you are heading straight into a city which has just been ravaged by us. No doubt Jackals remain there, hoping to find stranded humans who are still alive. You might want to go another way," Zharn advised the two humans, who shakily rose to their feet. "Thank you sir, thank you so much!" the first human said through a sob. "Be more careful in the future. Others will not be as lenient as I," Zharn firmly told the two. "Now go!" The humans ran as if a raging Thorn Beast was chasing after them. After a few moments, they faded out of sight. Heavy footsteps behind him told Zharn that Orpheus was there. "You are a very strange Sangheili," was all the Jiralhanae Chieftain said. "But an honourable one." "I wouldn't have done that a few months ago. What has come over me?" Zharn wondered aloud, and Ahkrin smirked. His friend was unable to see the obvious. He had obviously felt compelled to show these humans mercy out of respect for Sorran's memory. Still, Ahkrin knew he should let Zharn figure it out for himself. "Well, now the drama is over, we should retire for the night. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, if we are to reach Covenant forces any time soon." "You're right, Ahkrin. That shelter of yours had better hold," Zharn couldn't resist one last dig at his friend. "Now you're questioning my camp making skills? I spend most of my life out in the field, Zharn. I know how to create a shelter." "You should learn how to cook properly too. What would you do if I wasn't around to do it for you?" "I'd probably eat it raw, Zharn." "That's horrible." "It's better than the food being burnt," Ahkrin shrugged, before clambering into the tent he'd half erected, half dug. It would hopefully provide some shelter from the elements. "Orpheus, I made you a different shelter. You're too big for this one," Ahkrin stopped the Jiralhanae in his tracks, pointing to a noticeably poorer quality shelter on the other side of the camp. Orpheus seemed more than a little upset. "Oh, I see. Well then, good night Sangheili." The Chieftain stalked off, looking a little depressed. Zharn climbed inside his and Ahkrin's tent. He had to admit, his friend had done an admirable job. The room was spacious, and there were two clearly discernible sections so the two Sangheili could sleep without knocking against each other. "You made this too small for Orpheus on purpose," Zharn accused, climbing into his makeshift bed. He wasn't facing Ahkrin, but could tell he was smiling. "Zharn! How dare you suggest such a thing!" Ahkrin replied, pretending to be offended. "That was unkind of you Ahkrin. Orpheus is a noble warrior, just like you and I." "I was worried that he might decide to help us die happy by smothering us in the night. Really Zharn, what he did to his uncle was barbaric." "Maybe in our eyes, but Jiralhanae see things differently." "Well he can see things differently in his own shelter. May you sleep soundly, Zharn." Zharn despaired at his friend's hatred of the Jiralhanae. He was going to make the next few days very difficult. "You too, Ahkrin."

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