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10/27/2010 3:24:39 PM
* * * * * * * * * * "If you can hear this, then know that the words I, Sangheili Ultra and your commander in absence of greater authority, require that the words I speak must be followed to the bone as if the gods themselves decried them in the stars. The humans are evacuating their people from this planet. Do not attempt to stop them. Admiral Cole has given his word that you shall all be left alone if you adhere to this. Any who disobeys without provocation shall not receive any defence on my behalf when the humans retaliate. I--" The communications link was suddenly cut off, and Zharn looked up with surprise at the satisfied yet equally weary face of Admiral Cole. The Sangheili Ultra swallowed nervously. "That will be all, Elite. You have done well, and for now we're on good terms. Well, as good as they can get." [i]For now?[/i] Zharn despaired, not wanting to go through the horrible events of the night again any time soon. "Shall I be returned to my... cell?" Zharn asked aloud, glancing nervously at the bridge crew who were all staring at him intently. He hoped that the fear in his expression could not clearly be seen. "Not just yet. I would like to talk with you first; not an interrogation, just a few light questions I'd like you to answer. I have a bottle of long-fermented wine stored away... do your kind drink, Elite?" Cole added to the end of his sentence, seeming genuinely interested. "If you are referring to the consumption of alcohols, then yes. We ferment them differently to you, with your primitive natural process and basic methods of forming ethanol, propanol, methanol, butanol and such, but the end result is largely the same." "Good!" Cole enthused, although the smile forced across his face was shot down long before it reached his wrinkled, steely eyes. "We'll head down to my quarters then, and this time there won't be any agonising moral choices. That was very fun though." "I did not find it amusing," Zharn answered curtly, his old edge tentatively creeping over the cover it had fled behind when the torture had began. Cole stared at him with an odd look. "Of course you didn't -- that's why I enjoyed it." Zharn suddenly wanted to distance himself from this man. Wanted to speak with Ahkrin about what had happened. Wanted to be back on the winning side. "In all honesty, Admiral, I am tired and would prefer sleep to--" "I wasn't asking, Elite. We're going to share some drinks, and talk about things. There is no other option, unless you'd rather spend the night out in space." "No! That's not necessary Admiral, I'll come with you," Zharn replied hastily, the confidence that had been slowly returning scarpering away once again to find a rock to hide under. "Splendid. Captain Raines, escort us. We wouldn't want our new friend here getting any funny ideas, would we?" * * * * * * * * * * "[i]Admiral Cole has given his word that you shall all be left alone if you adhere to this. Any who disobeys without provocation shall not receive any defence on my behalf when the humans retaliate. I--"[/i] "Heretic," one of the Unggoy nearby Ahkrin whispered as he heard the words surge out from the intercom in the corner of the detention block. The Operative had him in a deadly grasp in a second, grabbing his shoulder tightly in a place which, if squeezed hard enough, would bring about quick and painless depth. "What did you say?" Ahkrin demanded harshly, and the small alien looked up at him, terrified. He suddenly felt a large, rough hand on his shoulder. "Ahkrin," the voice cautioned in a deep baritone, and he turned his head slightly to see Orpheus staring at him intently. Ahkrin scowled, and pushed the small Unggoy aside onto the floor before shrugging off Orpheus' haired hand. "Don't touch me, Brute," he spat venomously, using the human derogatory term for the species before wading his way through the Unggoy and putting distance between him and the Jiralhanae, whose expression was pensive and hurt. "Sangheili, I know that you worry for your friend, but taking your frustrations out on these Unggoy is not the right thing to do." "What do you know of companionship, Brute? You, who killed your own uncle in order to gain further stature." "That's not fair, Ahkrin. Our customs are not the same as--" Orpheus began, face darkening as the Unggoy clustered around him for protection from the raging Sangheili backed away nervously. "Exactly, Orpheus. You and I are completely different. Do not presume to know me." "Ahkrin--" "Hey!" the female captain from earlier barked, marching over. "You, the Elite with the attitude. There something wrong?" "It's hardly any of your concern, [i]human,[/i]" Ahkrin answered disdainfully, hands shaking as he contemplated marching over to the bars and grasping her by the throat. He could have her lying on the floor dead before the marines could react. [i]Be calm, Ahkrin. Do not let emotions overcome your training,[/i] the voice of his mentor echoed within his mind, and he forced himself to steady his breathing. An assassin such as he must be patient. The time to strike would present itself. "I'm making it my concern, split-lip. I won't have you causing trouble. Marines! Take him to solitary confinement. Elite, present any resistance and I'll personally kick your sorry ass into the airlock, or even the fusion core if I'm feeling nasty." The doors of the cell opened, and three marines roughly grabbed Ahkrin far harder than necessary. Their grips weren't fully encompassing though, and Ahkrin knew that he could break free of their grasp, kill the first two with a snap of the neck and a chop to the throat before scooping up a fallen weapon and levelling the third plus the female captain. [i]Patience, Ahkrin. Their deaths would bring about your own.[/i] And so he let them take him.

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