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11/16/2010 1:51:58 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Axe11154 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hkad Manteanee Yes I was.[/quote] oh and Mr Evil 37 is right and the proof is in the name just look at the 2 and you will see what I mean Ktan Dantakee Hkad Manteanee both start with 4 random letters 3rd letter is the same both spell ant after the 5th letter both have a before the 3rd to last letter and both end with double E [/quote] A double e at the end of an Elite's name means he serve/served in the Covenant's millitary, and they weren't very random letters, it not like I just went G'jfk. I worked hard on those names and you called them random! I think I'm going to cry.:'( And yes I deseve SLIGHT punishment, but NOBODY reads my latest chapters. You guys didn't even notice I was blacklisted, my entire story was hidden and nobody commented, since they weren't looking at my story. You guys comment when WF gets blacklisted, you would comment if kingwrench got B-listed. Sure you guys probably would since they write better stories and are more popular, but a comment once in a while would be nice, I got desperate. Sorry for the quite off topic post but I had to explain myself.

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