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7/29/2011 11:16:20 PM
<[i]Inner sanctum of the most holy hierarchs Truth, Regret and Mercy[/i]> Ahkrin looked at the three hierarchs before him. Mercy, the philologist, constantly calculating. The oldest of the three, showed clearly by his ghostly-white hair and back even more arched than the other two. He needed anti-gravity systems merely to prevent the headpiece he wore from crushing neck. Regret, the warrior. Of the three, he was the one Ahkrin had the most respect for. Long before becoming hierarch to the Covenant, he had been a soldier. And unlike most San 'Shyuum, Regret had fought in the trenches alongside Sangheili. Even now his body was still lean with muscle, and the chair he sat in was used only as a formality. Ahkrin knew that concealed within his chair was a plasma pistol that could be used at any moment. And Truth. Truth. The bastard who had taken away his true family, then his adoptive father, and then Sorran. The three hierarchs were supposed to be equal, but everyone knew the Prophet of Truth was the true leader of the Covenant. The other two were simply limbs to be moved by him. There were no honour guards in the room. None save for Ahkrin and the three leaders of the mighty Covenant. Ahkrin supposed he should feel some awe, but found all he felt instead was mild distaste. With some reluctance, Ahkrin sank to the ground before them. "You may rise," Mercy croaked out. Ahkrin did so, looking them each in the eyes. "Noble Prophets," he greeted formally. Truth waved his hand dismissively. "That is not necessary," Truth rasped in that harmonious voice of his that was instantly recognisable the moment you heard it. "We know you, Descol'ee. You have no love for we. Understandable." Ahkrin looked down at the floor for a few moments, before looking back up. "Then why summon me here?" he demanded candidly. "Have you not taken enough from me already?" "Indeed," Regret concurred, rising out of his chair, his back straight and neck raised high. "And we are sorry that this has happened." "We would like to make amends," Mercy input slyly. "To give, this time." "No matter what you... give me, it will not bring the loved ones I have lost back," Ahkrin rebutted, trying his best not to shout with anger. "Of course not," Truth agreed, looking down upon him. The light of the room seemed to steer itself away from him, basking his figure in shadow. "But we can make the losses less painful." "Whatever you are suggesting, you must want something in return," Ahkrin stated, knowing how things worked. "Forgive me, hierarchs, but you are not exactly known for your charity." "You are most perceptive," Mercy remarked, and Ahkrin had the feeling he was being subtly mocked by the oldest hierarch. "We have a request to ask of you," Regret told him strongly. "You were once an assassin, correct?" There was silence for a few moments, before Ahkrin turned his head. "Those days are long in the past," he told them. "I am sure you could find an assassin elsewhere." "True," Truth admitted. "But they are all just mercenaries. Money is all they care about. What we need is one we can trust, one who has served loyally in the Covenant army for years, one whom we have... leverage upon." Ahkrin began to get an uneasy feeling in his stomach. "What kind of leverage?" he demanded, unconsciously balling his fists as though he were ready for a fight. The three hierarchs seemed to smile as one. "It must be difficult, bearing your family's name like the weight it is," Mercy spoke wryly. Ahkrin looked away from the burning gaze of the hierarch. "Sometimes," he confessed reluctantly. "What if we were to issue a formal pardon to your house?" Regret then said. Ahkrin looked up once more, hardly believing what he was hearing. "Give you land, prestige, the right for any children you have to bear your name. Let all know that to be a Descol'ee is to be of strong blood." "You could do that?" Ahkrin found himself asking. He had never really thought about the redemption of his house. He had always thought he would die with the same he had lived with. Truth nodded solemnly. "And your friend, Sorran. We would have his body moved from its current place of blasphemy and give him a fitting funeral, no expense spared. Not only that, but we would amend the law. Any Jiralhanae under the command of a Sangheili lance who disobeys the direct order of a Sangheili in the field would have no protection under the writ. Naturally we would also issue an apology to Sorran's memory." Ahkrin was stunned, then. "The Jiralhanae would not be happy with that," he argued, playing devil's advocate. "Is this target you wish me to kill so important that you would damage relations with them so?" "Yes," Truth breathed, eyes narrowing. "And course, we would protect the one your friend Sorran loved; Savara Grymar'ii." "What of her?" Ahkrin demanded. Mercy's brow rose then. "You do not know? Her father is attempting to bring her home, forcefully. She does not want to go. If you do what we ask, then we shall issue an official proclamation to the Imperial Admiral ordering him to desist immediately." [i]... protecting Savara. Sorran would want that.[/i] "Your leverage is considerable indeed," Ahkrin spoke then, and could almost feel the smug glee emanate from the hierarchs. "Who is this target you would pay so much to see dead?" "Do you agree to our terms?" Regret asked intently. Ahkrin shrugged. "Well that depends on who the target is, does it not?" The three hierarchs exchanged a look then, and nodded as one. "High Councillor Restraint," Truth told Ahkrin. The Sangheili gasped, stepping back a few steps. He shook his head violently. "No deal. The High Councillor is a great man. Why do you want him dead? Because he challenged your dictating rule?" he taunted a little, playing with fire. Regret's eyes flared. "Do you think us so petty?" he demanded angrily. Ahkrin said nothing. "Restraint has committed high heresy of the utmost degree, Descol'ee." "That is indeed the case," Truth input smoothly, his face clouded. "Not only does he not believe in the Great Journey; he is also inciting others against the path, and is planning terrorist strikes against our holy Covenant." "I am sorry, hierarchs," Ahkrin shook his head. "But I cannot believe that is true." "You had better believe it," a new voice suddenly spoke, emanating from behind the large pillar in the centre of the room. Ahkrin looked towards it suspiciously. A Sangheili walked out, dressed in armour of the blackest night and a purple sash hanging from his waist. An Ossoona. The most elite of the Covenant's intelligence gatherers. "Who is this?" Ahkrin asked of the hierarchs, who moved aside to let the Ossoona pass. "This is one of our most trusted operatives," Truth informed Ahkrin. "Reun'ee," the Ossoona introduced himself assertively. "Pel Reun'ee." "For some time now, Ossoona Reun'ee has been within the household of Restraint," Mercy informed Ahkrin. "We suspected the High Councillor of some small heresy, but to our devastation we found that his blasphemy was powerful indeed." "Terrible that such a prominent member of our holy Covenant can be led so astray," Truth sighed. "And I am supposed to take the world of this... Ossoona? I doubt he has every drawn blood once in his life!" "It is not our place to kill," Pel informed Ahkrin, as if he didn't already know the role of the Ossoona. "We are the eyes. You are the hand which silences." "Profound," Ahkrin commented dryly, before frowning. "You have evidence of this supposed heresy?" "Of course," Regret affirmed, nodding at Ossoona Reun'ee. The other Sangheili stretched out a hand garbed in midnight, passing Ahkrin a data crystal. "Here is everything I found out," Pel told Ahkrin grimly. "It will not be easy to watch, but it is the sad truth. We will leave you in private whilst you discover the truth." With that, the three hierarchs and their Ossoona left out the main door. It slid shut after they exited, leaving Ahkrin alone in the dark. [i]This is insane,[/i] he thought as he inserted the crystal into the port on his wrist gauntlet. [i]Restraint a traitor? Impossible.[/i] But despite that thought, he still brought up the holographic interface before him and accessed the data within the crystal. Truth or lies, he would get to the bottom of the matter. * * *

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