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7/29/2011 11:17:04 PM
"The physicians say I am good," Savara's patient told her with a smile. She'd found out since her last visit his name was Dyl; no motivations for his death whatsoever. The constabulary believed that the poison had been meant for someone else, and that Dyl had just been unfortunate enough to mix up drinks. "Glad to hear it," she told him with a smile. He returned it. "Listen, lady..." he sought for a name. "Grymar'ii," Savara filled it in. Dyl frowned as he tried to place the name. "You're Imperial Admiral Grimacer's daughter," he at last realised with awe. Savara looked away; that was how she was always known. No matter what else she had done, or would ever do, she would always be known as Grymar'ee's daughter, child of the one who had commanded the taming of the lekgolo over half a century ago. "That's me," she forced out with a smile, busying herself with a chart. "I suppose then that if I asked you to dinner with me, you wouldn't accept?" Dyl asked with resignation. Savara blinked with surprise, looking up from her chart and feeling her throat constrict. "Oh... Dyl," she struggled, feeling terrible. "I'm sorry, but I can't." Her hearts ached as she saw the Sangheili's face drop like a stone, and he nodded sadly. "Of course not. You're the daughter of an Imperial Admiral and I'm... no-one. Forgive me, Lady Grymar'ii. I meant no offence." "No, it's not that," she protested, putting a hand on his softly. "It's just... I lost someone I loved recently. I'm not sure if I'm ready yet. And there's... more too." "I am sorry," Dyl apologised, face downcast. "I had no idea." "No, it's not you. It's me," Savara told him, turning away. "Maybe in the future," Dyl suggested hopefully. Savara smiled softly, releasing his hand. "Maybe," was all she said, before standing up. "I've got to go now, Dyl. I'll be back when they discharge you tomorrow. Again, I am truly sorry." "Do not worry," Dyl argued, trying to force a smile. "I will see you tomorrow, then." * * * "I... I cannot believe this," Ahkrin uttered with shock as the three hierarchs re-entered the chamber, dutifully followed by the Ossoona, Pel. All of them wore grim faces as they nodded. "Now do you see why he must die?" Truth asked him sadly, placing a thin hand upon Ahkrin's shoulder as he approached. Ahkrin looked again at the crystal, before affirming with a quick motion of the head. "When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath," he quoted. "Restraint has broken this oath. He is a heretic, worthy of neither pity nor mercy." "So then you will carry out this task we have assigned you?" Regret demanded. Ahkrin took the crystal out from the port on his wrist, and passed it back to Pel. "You will keep your promises?" he demanded suspiciously. "Clear my family's name, amend the law like you said, give Sorran a proper funeral? Protect Savara?" "We keep our word," Mercy swore, placing arms across his bony chest. Ahkrin thought long and hard for a few moments, before nodding. "Then I shall do it." "So it is decided," Truth spoke then, and Ahkrin could see genuine sadness in his face. "Restraint will die by your hand." "The High Councillor has let a few others into his circle of heresy," Pel informed Ahkrin. "Two of his honour guards; we believe them not to be on High Charity at this time. That concerns you not, we will deal with them upon their return. And an Unggoy who acts as Restraint's servant--" "An Unggoy?" Ahkrin asked with disbelief. "He would speak with an Unggoy of such severe blasphemy?" "Evidently so," Pel replied. "Kill both the High Councillor and his Unggoy, named Jajab. There will be other honour guards around his manor; neutralise them if needs must, but do your best not to kill them. They know not of their master's heresy." "Of course," Ahkrin nodded. "Anyone else?" "No," Truth told him. "Were this any other, we would perhaps merely imprison the heretic. But this is the High Councillor of Restraint. He holds great sway with the people. Were he to preach his lies to them..." "It would be a disaster," Ahkrin completed. "Restraint will have barriers set up around his manor, though. They will be near-impossible to penetrate." "I have taken care of that," Pel told him, passing him a small device. "Activate this and you shall have thirty seconds as the barrier deactivates. Know that once you do so, though, his guard shall be alerted to something being wrong. You must strike quickly." Ahkrin nodded, stashing the device into his belt. "That is what I do best," he told them all. "Remember your promises." "Ahkrin, you will be a hero after this," Truth told him, beaming. "All the Covenant shall know your name, and be grateful to your for quelling this threat to our divine search. No matter what lies Restraint feeds you at the eleventh hour, remember that you have seen the truth. Now go, with our blessing and the blessings of our lords. May you find your way to the path." "And you, hierarchs," Ahkrin reluctantly returned the blessing, before turning to leave, sure of his mission. It would pain him to strike down such a revered figure. But heresy was heresy. [i]My house named restored,[/i] he thought with reverie. [i]I could finally sire children without fear of them being outcast. And Sorran... I do this for you too. I owe you this much at least.[/i]

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