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8/5/2011 9:43:17 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Illusive66 I had to log on to post this. I have not been here all that long, and I do not post that often. But, I have been lurking for a long while. YOU MADE ME POST THIS What the hell is with this? Are you trying to bore me with two dimensional characters, a story which has obviously been made up as it went along and twists so obvious a bat could see them? Your vocabulary is limited and your intelligence is in question. I read this story out of fascination that a story could actually gather a damned fanbase when other fan fics get no readers at all, its just unfair and retarded. Also, I can't help but notice how overly human you make the elites, they're not tea-drinking, chocolate eating brits, they are aliens and they should be portrayed as such. You've somehow managed to make half of your fanbase -blam!-ly attracted to aliens, you are a furry machine and I seriously think you might be attracted to fricking elites too. Anyway, had to get that off my chest. [/quote] I think you need to realise that this has been written over a period of about two years. I wasn't a good writer two years ago, and I'm still learning even now. Two dimensional characters? They were originally, yes. I have tried to flesh them out more recently and I do not think I have done a bad job. As for the twists I do not think they were so obvious; did you really think Restraint would reveal to Sorran that the Great Journey is a lie, or that Zharn would win his duel with Xatan'ee not by chance or skill but through cheating, or that Ahkrin would be the one tasked with killing Restraint? I'm not saying this is the sixth sense of anything, but they're not horrible twists. My vocabulary is stronger than that of most, and I have an A* English Language GCSE grade to back that up. I do not use the full extent of my writing skill with this story though; were I to do so I'd be writing it forever -- I just write on the fly and proof-read lightly maybe once. As for my intelligence, well, I hardly see how that is in question at all. This story has sort of been made up as it went along. Certainly when I set out I had no idea what I was going to do with it and it does show; remember this was two years ago and the writing quality was awful. After the small twist in part fifteen though, I did etch out a rough plan; of course I deviate from it from time to time, but I do believe that book two has flowed rather well. Do I attribute the Sangheili with human traits from time to time? Definitely. It's something I picked up from [i]Babylon 5[/i]; I found it very interesting when the aliens would be introduced to some human cultural element. I would argue the only one attracted to the Sangheili in this thread is Nums and he's been that way a long time. Indeed, the only actual scenes between aliens involving sex I've written have been tiny little segments at most which do not elaborate. I myself am not a furry at all, I assure you, and I do not find the prospect of a fictional alien with mandibles attractive in the slightest. If others do, then that is their business. I'm just trying to tell a story here. And that brings me to my final point. You seem to be insulted that people read this. They obviously do for a reason, a reason outside my control. I just write this because it's something to do. As I said, I started this years ago. I look back and cringe at what I wrote. Most would simply abandon a story like this and start something new. I'm finishing it, which is more than can be said for most fan fiction writers. At the end of the day, I've just turned sixteen years old and I'm writing a fan fiction as something do when I've got the time. I don't spend all my life writing this; I've got a job, studies, friends -- this is something to come back to and maybe spend an hour or two writing a chapter when it's a cold night or a rainy day. If you've got issue with it, then by all means do not read it. I'm secure in the knowledge there are a bunch of people who read and enjoy this, and to me that's an indicator of me being at least somewhat decent at writing. As you said, few other fan fictions have a fanbase like this. There's probably a reason for that. [Edited on 08.05.2011 9:00 AM PDT]

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